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  1. reformer


    well someones gotta do it.
  2. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    great contribution.
  3. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    yeah,pardon me,my optimism was based on remembering a report i had read some time back which showed a drop in absolute poverty worldwide as opposed to africa alone which this thread is about so apologies.and after further looking into the report it seems that a huge percentage of the people...
  4. reformer

    The Mist

    was 1408 a stephen king book?nothing will ever bear "pet semetary" anyway .|..|
  5. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    see here -,M1 oecd report on the worlds economy,pages 210-224,shows near universal gdp rises...
  6. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    sorry but i just didnt have the exact info to hand so thought that would be better than quoting someone in error.
  7. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    not to be pedantic but the very name of the publication suggests which side of the spectrum they're gonna be coming from,i cant remember exactly where i got the above figures but to the best of my knowledge it was a u.n. sponsored initiative.
  8. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    its not all bad news though,the average income in africa has risen in the last 2 decades and there are now less people living in absolute poverty than before even though the population has increased greatly in that period.
  9. reformer


    so is everybody friends again yet? and wheres cleophis jenkin?
  10. reformer


    christ s,yr a smart one,why bother putting any effort in?either have the argument or dont. and im glad that some people realise making jokes does not make you a sexist bastard or whatever,its actions that decide such things not silly posts on an internet hug.
  11. reformer

    What is The West doing to Africa?

    the only thing we need to do with africa is begin actively trading with them as opposed to pumping in millions in food aid which rarely finds its way to the people who actually need it.and cut subsidies to european/us farmers.
  12. reformer


    compelling argument,im probably just reading the wrong books.
  13. reformer


    i fail to see how nuclear families are considered social ordering,since the beginning of mankind families have been based along these lines and if you look into families amongst animals they all have the same basis so rather than it being a social order id imagine its just an inherent trait in...
  14. reformer


    i heart the strange guy,my new false idol.
  15. reformer

    Henry Rollins has bought my CDr's on Ebay

    i hope you ripped him off?
  16. reformer


    now thats worth wanking to (or should it be too....?)
  17. reformer


    you'd be surprised,if only judge brian curtin was still going everything would be grand.
  18. reformer

    Doug Stanhope (sept 4)

  19. reformer


    oh you.anyway with all this confusion over legal age of consent etc you'd probably get off with a fine/suspended sentence
  20. reformer


    good,go off on your own tangent now and add to the confusion thread. im sure theres life size bratz dolls available :)