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  1. Mr Creosote

    The Photographs

    Tsk, tsk, WRRRRONNNGGG again!.. I think you'll find that its libel. I think you'll also find I'm being a smart arsed shitehawk;). Hope you liked the song anyway. Because it is a good song and I really feel it warrants this no. of links. Yours hyperlinkly, Adrian P.S. .
  2. Mr Creosote

    The Photographs

    New music for you people! Listen to 'Can't Forget You' by going here. We're playing Lazybird upstairs in the International Bar this coming Sunday supporting 22 (album launch) and Mark O'Connor (underwater shaving). Come early to avoid CRUSHING disappointment.
  3. Mr Creosote

    Carlow anocht: The Undertakers & The Photographs

    Looking at this now, I should probably have put the date on the title of the first post as it looks like there IS a gig on tonight (which there isn't people), I'm just replying to an old post!
  4. Mr Creosote

    Carlow anocht: The Undertakers & The Photographs

    Apologies for the delay in replying.. Yes Old, it's Keith Swan on drums with The Undertakers, and nnnoooo Pete, it ain't a secret wrestling event involving world famous wrestling lunatics! However, by all accounts there was quite a few young female students drinking (and by the sounds of it...
  5. Mr Creosote

    Carlow anocht: The Undertakers & The Photographs

    It would probably help enormously if I was to tell you that the Castle Street (upon which rests O'Loughlin's bar) is in fact in CARLOW town itself (and not in a nearby village/hamlet/borough etc..)
  6. Mr Creosote

    Carlow anocht: The Undertakers & The Photographs

    Hello all Psychobilly/Rockabilly band The Undetakers play downstairs in O'Loughlin's bar on Castle Street tonight with support from The Photographs. Doors 9pm, admission free. A
  7. Mr Creosote

    Let's own the music scene

    If its not too late I'll wholeheartedly third that! (and in case it hasn't already been forwarded onto you,the Limerick promoters can be found at
  8. Mr Creosote

    Let's own the music scene

    This person speaks sense (not to trivialise this but I also want to say 'HotPiss' is the best nickname I've heard in a long, long time). The AMC in Limerick have been doing what you say for 4/5 years now, anytime I've played through them I got treated really really well and even got paid a few...
  9. Mr Creosote

    DAMO SUZUKI Final Details

    It should be a lot of fun, am really looking forward to seeing Damo again. Bryan played me the E+S=B CDr and I thought it was mighty stuff altogether. All I need now is a haircut and some energy and I'll be sorted for the evening.
  10. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom #35 Christmas! Friday Dec 17th Toners

    It sounded pretty bad. I didn't hear any crack but there certainly was quite a 'thump'.. I look forward to meeting you again sometime! Now, back to my obair.
  11. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom #35 Christmas! Friday Dec 17th Toners

    I can't believe that after howmanyyears being a member of this site, I finally met you and didn't realise you were THAT Pete?!?! I was amazed at how you didn't go in the slightest bit red despite the fact you got everybody's (and I mean everybody's) attention in the room. You Sir, are a man...
  12. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom Birthday Bash (Sun Aug 3rd)

    More like the Hill 16. There was some guy flicking beer mats at us during our set! I thought everybody was going to start at one point. Nothing like polarising a crowd! Anyway.... Highlights (for me): Holy Ghost Fathers Steerage The Last Sound Papercop getting hassle from the man...
  13. Mr Creosote

    Mr Creosote, Tycho Brahe Dave Creevy and more!

    I also forgot to mention the songs what will be played this evening is the some of the songs what will be off our new upcoming CD, which was done recorded (by Richard) and is in the process of being mixed. It was to be called the Valleys of Piss but will probably be called something incredibly...
  14. Mr Creosote

    Mr Creosote, Tycho Brahe Dave Creevy and more!

    This should SURELY read: (ahem!) Mr Creosote - Adrian O'Connell the fan-bloody-tastic guitarist will be trying to play some music with his slow witted brother Bryan (he who hits things with Papercop, El Diablo, Formika and more) mmm, better alright ;)
  15. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    Just wanna say thanks on behalf of all of us to Allen and Billy, we had a deadly night, got a good reaction from people and we got to hear some really good bands. The CD-R's sound brilliant too, Mr Shannon did a fine job altogether, its the first time we had anything of ours mastered and we're...
  16. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    Am rushing here but is that the same Mr Shannon that used to be in Splatterpillar? Roll on Friday!
  17. Mr Creosote


    Thanks a million, I'll give that a go!
  18. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    'Limerick-based Mr. Creosote should provide Dublin with a wake-up call' Thats a nice way of saying we really don't know what they sound like but we're nice enough to give 'em a gig anyway! Well for anyone who wants to know (and hasn't yet heard this age-old mp3), we'll be playing music like...
  19. Mr Creosote


    Howdy We (Mr Creosote) will be playing the Ballroom of Romance on Friday, the 25th of this month. To celebrate this fact, I thought it would be nice to send a two song demo CD to the fine people at Phantom. Once people heard our songs, they would rush down to the Lower Deck and the rest, as...
  20. Mr Creosote

    Ballroom #9 Aftermath

    It was great.. Myself and my brother were upstairs in the pub and didn't realise until too late that the place was too full. However, Allen came into the bar, recognised us from earlier and let us in towards the end of Gregor 57's set. I was glad to see the place so full too. Probably drank a...