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  • Users: rampz
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  1. rampz

    bbc 4 tonight at 10 30. serj tankian.......

    talking about something about the massacre of armenians by turkey in 1915. could be good or possibly not as the case may be. its that or zoolander or that wedding belles thing on channel 4.
  2. rampz

    peking spare libs from youngs in rathmines.

    velly nice altogether.
  3. rampz

    walter or henry?

    if you were betty suarez who woukld you pick? personally i think walter is a little shithead. henry every time!
  4. rampz

    which freiends character are you most like?

    i would say im like none of them cos theyre all spas.
  5. rampz

    deja vu watching friends.

  6. rampz

    newsflash. woman in 30s spotted earlier doing her shopping wearing heelies.

    she looked a bit touched in fairness.
  7. rampz

    celtic was robbed.

    boo ref. what a prick.
  8. rampz

    mean girls is on tonight.

  9. rampz

    E! channel.

    strangely compelling on my day off today. a very interesting hour long documentary on lindsey lohan being the highlight for me. i cleaned the oven and washed my car today so im allowed.
  10. rampz

    missing breakfast and lunch.........

    due to being way too busy and in a bad mood is a bad idea. i had a lidl knock off penguin all day and was very grumpy until til dinner there a few minutes ago. i think theres a lesson here somewhere. breakfast and lunch are for pussies.
  11. rampz

    paul reisers character in aliens.

    what a dick. also i like the way the suits of the future are just like our suits only with the back of the coller turned up.
  12. rampz

    the power of music to fill you with joy when youre feeling shit.

    cheesy sentiments i know but poignant none the less. i refer of course to the shivers up your spine and instant satisfaction that you get from cranking up your favourite tune in the car or wherever, when your in a bad mood. no matter how old and cynical and grumpy i get music never fails to...
  13. rampz

    hellraiser remake.

    i noticed on imdb that ashley laurence and doug bradly are in talks to reprise their roles. i mean whats the point? i thought they might get recognised hollywood stars. oh well.
  14. rampz

    finding the time to get a haircut..........

    in todays busy society is difficult dont you think?
  15. rampz

    the gallery from take hart.

  16. rampz

    those little 1 euro mini bottles of diet coke.

    they dont take like diet coke. they taste like fizzy tip top and/or score/cube/cadet cola. that is all.
  17. rampz

    sundays are boring.

    i have just realised this.
  18. rampz

    theyre trying to get me into rehab

    but i say NO NO NO.
  19. rampz

    richard madely.

    i dont know how that woman stays married to him. always butting in, never gives her a chance to speak. and the lame stuff he says............
  20. rampz

    the stages of a hangover.

    1. water 2. tea/ biscuits 3. more water 4. dump 5. high carb lunch 6. sleep/ afternoon nap. 7. its gone.