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  • Users: J-Mak
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  1. J-Mak

    Invite me to G-mail?

    Any chance someone could invite me to G-mail, I'm trying to do something clever with big files... my current e-mail is [email protected]
  2. J-Mak

    Seomra Spraoi open this weekend

    Bring back feudalism that's what I say, they were bastards all right but they sure did get things done. Bet you didn't see many castles go overbudget did you? Or bbuilt the wrong size. Planning permission? Don't make me laugh. Chopped your head off more like. And we liked it we did, made us...
  3. J-Mak

    help with punk map.

    Maybe you should make it a historical map considering the state of the gaff at the moment :l
  4. J-Mak

    Photos from the scene

    surprise of the festival: Fulham's knob so big and hairy other surprise: there were loads of girls at the gig coincidence..? Cheers to my southern brethren and sisthren for makin it up here, twas great fun altogether
  5. J-Mak

    and i thought getting pissed on at the warzone was bad

    Conor you forgot the one about the guy in Croatia who had a shitting competition on the stage after the main event. There were no other contestants. He went around advertising it for ages then went on stage in a dress in front of dozens of perople. first thing in the morning and proceeddd to...
  6. J-Mak

    yis might like this, stanto definatly will

    pretty good stuff boss
  7. J-Mak

    Irish bands with releases under the bed.

    i will never have the time to get that stuff into a more common format, i can barely get anything outside college done as it is anyways...
  8. J-Mak

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    fair feckin balls to yis lads, inspirational stuff and all that. Ah well.
  9. J-Mak

    Irish bands with releases under the bed. lots of it don't work any more though. I think I have some of it on zip disc though so maybe I will fix up the site if I can find somewhere to host everything
  10. J-Mak

    Photos from the scene

    hey imageshack really very good
  11. J-Mak

    Photos from the scene

    Here are some photos from gigs, one of Knifed with Ror from Puget Sound, Ken Sweeney at Fallout of a tree fest, Some moshing in the Music room with Janer in the background, Mad Pooka too and a few from GGI (de Renzy)...
  12. J-Mak

    Photos from the scene

    Here are some photos from gigs, one of Knifed with Ror from Puget Sound, Ken Sweeney at Fallout of a tree fest, Some moshing in the Music room with Janer in the background, Mad Pooka too and a few from GGI (de Renzy)
  13. J-Mak

    What is your avatar or what does it mean?

    Mine is Mad Dog Johnny Kildare - in his Puget Sound top that he made when he was in the Maze
  14. J-Mak

    That's right; he made a country album!

    You also may need to take a look at fool
  15. J-Mak

    That's right; he made a country album!

    that song is just too cute