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  1. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    She'll probably read this, right? It was ever thus
  2. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Kerry Condon is amazing and a movie star and she belongs at this level Are we really supposed to buy a 60-year-old F1 driver?
  3. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Me and most every music supervisor in hollywood But yeah, I will certainly accept that he's not to everyone's taste, and being an unrepentent douchebag did not broaden his appeal very much To put it mildly
  4. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    he had a string of about 10 near unimpeachable albums in a row til he went off his meds or whatever happened poor prick, that good at something and can't even enjoy it I was all into finding out who the super hot archer was til she fucking died 6 seconds later in the trailer Then Ye kicked...
  5. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Everyone is happy to talk shit about Kanye, but the guy shows up in an inumerable number of trailers Like I stopped even noticing about 6 or 7 years ago, but he still pops up all the damn time
  6. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Looking forward to this Don't know why I didn't know it was called Gladiator II though But I guess ROman numerals are valid here People having fun with teh Denzel casting
  7. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    This worked as hype Got sent it by a few people yesterday "Look at his arms!" "He got jacked" etc Also some discussion on whether Connie Neilsen will still be hot The only Neilsen rating that matters
  8. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Oh Jesus, that closing line Fucking hell
  9. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    All in on this I like creature stuff Supernatural stuff can eat a bag of dicks Tl;dr Space stuff could happen. But there's no God or devil. Thanks for posting all these, Pete
  10. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    What percentage of the movie industry is horror now? It's fucking relentless
  11. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    So odd Was just talking to someone about the civil service ban for married women in ireland yesterday And we were talking abbout - just like that lady said at the end there - it was clearly unfair and bonkers, but everyone went along, very few questioned it. It took some commission or other to...
  12. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Sometimes you have to break, just to even know what you're made of
  13. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

  14. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

  15. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Like it's gotta turn out she's a killer too, yeah? Like you don't hire Sophie Boutella just to look pretty?
  16. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    I see what you did there, Fede
  17. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Yeah, I dunno Just saw this before
  18. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    I think there's some joke supposed to be in it about them being illiterate or something
  19. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    This looks epically bad, right? I was hoping it was some Dom DeLillo thing I'd never heard of, but it's pure Coppola from soup to nuts COncerning!
  20. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Some slippery tan coming in and ruining everything, as usual Fucking hilarious. James-Gunn-by-numbers. Amazing.