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  • Users: seanc
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  1. S

    Unpopular Opinions

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    I have, but maybe that's a different debate.
  3. S

    Thread for Current pop songs you like

    She did spend all of football season before last advertising Just Eat. Worked off all the food or something. But she has she worked off the guilt?
  4. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    I did hear something about this but didn't want to say as my memory failed me.
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    Unpopular Opinions

    It was quite unedifying indeed. I'm sure plenty of those same people are currently drunk and sunburned in Germany, roaring them on. Sidenote and wrong thread maybe, but the video of the German Policeman who looks a bit like Gareth Southgate is weirdly wholesome.
  6. S

    Unpopular Opinions least) he scored the goals. Rice was instrumental in WHUFC having their happy day and trophy last year. I do very much dislike his ads for MullerRice. The SYNERGY is obvious, but does he need to do it. And of course I'd rather he played for ROI*. *Republic of Ireland, not Return on...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    For reasons I don't know, everyone really hates Jordan Pickford. Maybe that's changed in the last couple of weeks.
  8. S

    Bored In Work 1198

    Many threads this could have gone into. Not least youknowyouregettingold.
  9. S

    Minor Pleasures

    Class of class traitors.
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    Unexpected collaborations
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    Minor Pleasures

    Thomasz Schafernaker's space boots.
  12. S

    Your work situation

    Edit: Weird double posting thing. @pete
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    Your work situation

    Your good old buddy seanc will brainstorm the shit out of it for you. Where's David Kronenbourg these days.
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    Your work situation

    It took me a couple of hours to get out of my own way, such was my annoyance. But I eventually got involved in the other housemates little project of installing strip LED's all down the hallway. Good fun. I found the strobe button. Thankfully I was able to unstrobe it as well. Sent invoices...
  15. S

    Your work situation

    Wankers. Unscheduled day off because of pricks being pricks. I was booked for the wrong day. Can't see a calendar when your heads up your arse, in fairness to them. Unpaid day off btw.
  16. S

    Minor Pleasures

    She was chatty so I let her chat, and I didn't have much to add. She mentioned Thatcher, which still looms large. Then eventually, after much talk of nice people just being simply nice, which most people are: Re Truss and her ideas, Tories in general, she said all the points we already know. I...
  17. S

    The WTF Thread

    Shtall da ball pope John Paul.
  18. S

    The WTF Thread

    I assume you mean to say: Why TF isn't that picture in every hotel reception? Also, pics or it didn't happen.
  19. S

    Minor Pleasures

    There was a (not completely) wheelchair bound person on the train today. Quite chatty, I learned that she's staying in a hotel near me, but was all bamboozled and flummoxed by travelling by public transport through that big fancy London, in a chair. Not the same thing obvs, but I had my big...
  20. S

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I like that you're doing it for the kids. I would have thought all TV would coalesce if you'd asked me 20 years ago. And it hasn't at all. And it's a bit shit.