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  1. T

    What gig did you go to last night?

    went to see the breeders a couple of nights back, only took me 30 years they were great!
  2. T


    Du weisst aber was genau weisst du?
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    People Who Died

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    on the one hand, it is a significant consequence when compared to an alternative, which is... doing nothing at all. on the other hand, it is not a significant consequence when compared to the demands of justice. it is an extremely lenient and, ultimately, socially-negligent decision. the guy...
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    these people are so deeply stuck in their end-of-history 1990s-replay loop that I wouldn’t be surprised if they simply roped in actual oasis all over again
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    we’re going to end up in a weird situation of a government that begins office with a colossal majority and which, at the same time, nobody is happy with. everyone knows in advance that it’s going to be the triumph of the middle managers. as strange as it is to think of now, the blair of 1997 was...
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    People Who Died

    was also just reading yesterday that “farewell transmission” was recorded at electrical in a single take, in a *first* take, by a roomful of musicians who had *never played the song before* and *never played with each other as a group before* — it seems miraculous
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    People Who Died

    yep, the recording will happen eventually. sorry — I don’t mean to give the impression that I don’t now ever want to to a good recording of this thing! just that it won’t happen how I might have imagined that it would
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    People Who Died

    I was in Chicago in 2002, visiting my then-girlfriend, who was there on a J-1. I looked up Electrical Audio in the phone book and rang them and said something like, hello, can I just... turn up and look around? And the person answering the phone said, sure, come on over tomorrow. And so...
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    People Who Died

    such awful news
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    Wealth inequality

    hmm needs some finessing, boticelli
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    Wealth inequality

    hey @BOTicelli please make a version of the “this is fine” meme where the dog is saying “kill ’em all except for paul”
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    Wealth inequality

    thumped consensus has been reached: this has to change, but mccartney is ok
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  15. T


    I know lovely travellers it’s almost like as if we shouldn’t generalise our feelings about individuals to presume that they apply to the group that those individuals are a part of. there’s a word for that.
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    Clothes and haircuts

    recently I’ve been going to a place run by a no-nonsense vietnamese matriarch with a flock of younger guys doing the actual haircuts, with whom I have basically no shared language. a roll of the dice every time but it’s worked out pretty well so far, even though the latest one was a bit more of...
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    What gig did you go to last night?

    tried to go see horse lords last night... the venue was a ten-minute walk from my place, and I thought, whatever, it won’t be sold out, it’s weird skronky music on a tuesday night. dear readers, it was indeed sold out. gahh. and then I saw that the next gig that they have after that one will be...
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    General Election 2025

    must be a bit weird for shatter also being basically ireland’s only zionist... strange man.
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    General Election 2025

    Harris has the curse of a nerdy squeaky voice. gives everything he says a faint whiff of self-parody. I say this a fellow squeaky-voiced person. having said that, michael martin has the curse of waffler-voice, leo has the curse of robot-voice. so that makes enda kenny the most recent taoiseach...
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    People Who Died

    years ago I told a friend of mine, who is french, about paul gogarty’s unparliamentary language in the dáil, and showed him the video. he was very entertained. and so, for years afterwards, he would occasionally jump out from behind things and, in his kerrygold-ad-level french accent, shout...