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  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Unpopular Opinions

    I just watched that video too. He seems to be in good humor about it, which is nice to see too.
  2. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I binged all of Supacell today. It’s like cross between Top Boy and X-Men. Decent enough.
  3. R

    Going rate for a wedding present

    Covering the meal for a couple is more like €200. 100 or 150 is grand.
  4. R

    Your work situation

    Still here, there was set dancing and an accordion. I’m obviously still on the clock.
  5. R

    Your work situation

    It’s my end of year coming up (summer to summer) so working lunch in the bar. It’s a good day.
  6. R

    Major Pleasures

    Isn't that where there's a bakery that we ordered so much cake off them that they still remembered us years later?
  7. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    I saw them once and fell asleep. That’s probably my own fault though.
  8. R

    European and local elections 2024

    Dont forget they're doing the ban on conversion theraphy bill and dealing with autism assessments (aons).
  9. R

    European and local elections 2024

    He transfered in TY so you might have gone and all by then.
  10. R

    European and local elections 2024

    Huh, my partner went to the same secondary school as them, so must be the same one as you too. He's 41 though.
  11. R

    European and local elections 2024

    I'm curious to see how Roderic O'Gorman manages to juggle the ministry he has now, with being party leader. I don't see it going well.
  12. R

    Tell me a joke thread

    It’s ok, most of it is pigs anus now, so no sea critters harmed in the making of that deliciously anally snack.
  13. R


    Don’t fancy a 23 year age gap between them. It just feels like the start of a bad Hallmark movie and a main plot point is I die and the eldest takes over.
  14. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Harsh but fair.
  15. R


    I’m looking for an easy and basic cold brew system. Any suggestions?
  16. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Just pause dramatically when you talk to people. Also, I told you so.
  17. R

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Have no hero’s.
  18. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    You spoke to a dietician and they seem to have said your diet is grand with a small tweak, that’s the most important thing. Do I still want to make you a cake, yes very much so but I’m like a Jehovah Witness of cake and need an intervention. Sorry to hear about your Dad Nuke, I hope you had...
  19. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Sex worker or amature hobbyist?
  20. R

    General Election 2025

    Highly doubt Gannon will be running anything, even if he even gets in again.