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  1. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Just got around to reading the most vague amount of info about the Neil Gaiman craic. Am i reading right that what is happening here is that these claims are in a podcast, like not a court case result? Could be depp vs heard 2.0 here.
  2. S


    I know a few of you know more about that part of the world than I do. I guess if it's transcending sectarian divides, then that's good?? I don't know, I never thought I'd see that, but if you say so I'll believe you.
  3. ann post


    I don't know how to explain this to you without explaining what an election is to be honest. I get the mathematical idea that you are drilling on there but it doesn't actually come into play in the results.
  4. R


    I’m looking for an easy and basic cold brew system. Any suggestions?
  5. M


    here's a reductio ad absurdum example. party A and party B, support for whom is split precisely across the electorate. in an election with a 70% turnout, the result could swing from a 50:20 vote for party A vs party B, to a 20:50 vote for party A vs party B, without a single eligible voter...
  6. M


    oh. so you *were* saying that? if you're comparing two elections several years apart, with turnouts of (say) 70%; there is no way you can state definitively that 3% of voters changed allegiance, due to a 3% swing. it is *more* than feasible that the 30% of non-voters (which does not have to be...
  7. ann post


    Well yes i am - by about 2-3%
  8. M


    i thought you were stating that people had actually jumped ship in an unexpected way. that there were voters who changed allegiance from unionist to SF.
  9. ann post


    You can only compare votes to previous votes, some people will die and some people will come of age to vote and a million other factors come into play - you can't factor in the non voters in any way, you can only deal with the number that exists on the day and how many people turn up on the day...
  10. ernesto


    The Aeropress is both our go-to for a solo coffee
  11. M


    maybe this was the inspiration for count binface.
  12. JohnnyRaz


    Jaysus. I’d expect nothing less to be fair.
  13. M


    kinda funny to see the candidate lists up north - one constituency had only five people standing.
  14. Kermit McDermott


    Ah, its just an excuse to post all those ridiculous names
  15. M


    i had to google that to see if you were joking.
  16. Kermit McDermott


    Jacob Rees Mogg says he is looking forward to spending more time with his children Peter Theodore Alphege Rees-Mogg. Mary Anne Charlotte Emma Rees-Mogg. Thomas Wentworth Somerset Dunstan Rees-Mogg. Anselm Charles Fitzwilliam Rees-Mogg. Alfred Wulfric Leyson Pius Rees-Mogg. Sixtus Dominic...
  17. hydromancer


    Yeah I think so vote a for the individual candidate regardless of the party. If they are seen to have actually delivered or improved something for the constituency. The SDLP for example have two good MPs even if they are pro a united Ireland. Contrast to the DUP refusing to go to Stormont for...
  18. M


    I don't know what you mean so. A 3% swing could be due to people who had voted before not voting, and people voting who had not voted before. You don't actually need any voters to have done a volte face to achieve that.
  19. Deadmanposting


    Easton might be worth a percent there
  20. ann post


    NAh I'm talking about the people who did vote, which is 100% of voters.