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  1. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    At Stephen-out-of-Stoat's wedding ceremony he had the theme from Game of Thrones (plus a tune by me and a tune by @snakybus )
  2. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Order matters. "X less 5 times Y" means quintuple Y and subtract it from X. "X is 5 times less than Y" means X=Y/5 ... or at least that's how I'd interpret it
  3. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Aha! Addition and multiplication are kinda the same thing in a way that subtraction and division are not, and you're saying that sometimes people will translate "X times less" into subtraction rather than division? I mean - I wouldn't do that, but I guess if some people might then it's better...
  4. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    To me too (and fwiw I think @pete is agreeing with you). If the crime rate in the Bronx is nine times more than Denmark, then it's the-crime-rate-in-Denmark multiplied by nine, right? Which mean the crime rate in Denmark is the-crime-rate-in-the-Bronx divided by nine ... i.e one ninth
  5. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    If you can make yourself and whoever you're dealing into an "us" rather than them perceiving you as "them" then you can get away with an awful lot.
  6. egg_

    Minor Pleasures
  7. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

  8. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Fucking too right. I wouldn't be scarred if I caught my parents at it, I'd be fucking delighted, given that it'd imply that I have another 25 years of riding ahead of me
  9. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Oh! What day of the week does it be on? If I'm in London I might sniff it out
  10. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Same here! I thought donkeys were kinda obsolete (though I myself am fond of them, having gone on a walking holiday with one once)
  11. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Was playing down in my local last night, got talking to some woman a bit older than myself and asked her did she have any requests ... she was fairly well oiled and embarked on this long story about a weekend-long party she was at back in the day in some building that was condemned in the quays...
  12. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    A lot of those Yank actors are stage school kids. Tom Holland too - you should see that guy dance
  13. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Had a house party on Friday. Was kinda anxious about it on Wed/Thurs, cos lots of people were texting me saying they would miss it cos covid/babysitter issues/whatever ... but we still had a good crowd and it turned out to be loads of fun. Interesting people, good chats, loads of dancing ...
  14. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    The job might end, but the work never ends, amirite @seanc
  15. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    I was at a work thing back in Feb and we were all having dinner and someone mentioned my musical output and one of the women gasped and gave me A Look and said "You're in a band!?". If she was Irish I'd assume the piss was being taken, but nope, she's a yank. I'd been waiting 35 years for that...
  16. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Actually had it side on for a Stoat gig recently, and yeah I preferred not having it between me and the audience. At the jam session though it's was whereever I could squeeze it in among all the other musicians
  17. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    erm ... between me and the audience? Is this a reference to something I'm missing?
  18. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Brought a keyboard down to my weekly jam session last night. Anytime I've played piano/keys before it's always been pre-prepared, so didn't know how winging it would work. Anyway - went great (or great for me anyway, dunno what the audience thought), came home buzzing, probably adds more to the...
  19. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    Talking of grandfathers ... my Da's Da (who died in the 80s) was born in 1898, which means he probably had met people who had been alive during the famine
  20. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    My mother-in-law did a family tree for her brother-in-law, and found out his grandad had beaten his grandmother to death with a poker. Grim