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  1. xsteox


    Bad look for Snp in this prediction
  2. xsteox


    Just looking at the projections on sky news. Not far off
  3. xsteox

    People Who Died

    Guy I work with was found this morning. He was in on Friday. Genuinely shocked
  4. xsteox

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Just back from Suffocation. They were class, opener, not so much...
  5. xsteox

    People Who Are In Hospital In Critical Condition

    Denis Lyxzen from Refused
  6. xsteox

    European and local elections 2024

    She was also only a few hundred votes short on recouping her expenses. So it cost her a lot.
  7. xsteox

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Up episode 7 of Fallout. Not sold on the humour that's been added
  8. xsteox

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Pantera in February
  9. xsteox

    European and local elections 2024

    How has Peter Casey gotten 23k votes? 200 or so away from Saoirse McHugh. Seriously that's some piss take.
  10. xsteox

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Satan and Seven sisters 8th September. Grand Social
  11. xsteox

    full-scale war between the US and Iran

    Most definitely
  12. xsteox

    Irish Metal band get write up on NPR

    Gama bomb maybe? wouldn't be a fan personally, but, fair play, they've been around for a long time.
  13. xsteox

    Irish Metal band get write up on NPR

    Coscradh for Deathmetal, Zealot cult too, they've gotten a lot of great support slots. Molarbear for big sludge/rock riffs.
  14. xsteox

    People Who Died

    Aye. Was in hospice with Lung cancer
  15. xsteox

    People Who Died

    Eddie Sutton from Leeway.
  16. xsteox

    full-scale war between the US and Iran

    Getting spicy with Iran, Israel and the States now
  17. xsteox

    Bloody head plus guests. McHughs Drogheda 12/4

    This Friday 12th Bloody head (uk) Hubert Selby Jr infants Bar tape Entrail @ Mc Hughs Watchtower Drogheda €10 Doors @7.30
  18. xsteox

    What gig didn't you go to last night?

    I missed Pissed jeans, cos I has to go into work. Similarly, Incantation are on right now....
  19. xsteox

    What movie did you watch last night?

    So keeping with Remakes, after the Roadhouse mistake, I put on the Maniac remake from 2012. It was good in that the you see it from the killer's perspective, sloppy mistakes and all. The kills were done with practical fx, which is always a bonus from me.
  20. xsteox

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Is it on par with that Wild thyme rubbish??