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  • Users: Flux
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  1. Flux

    Minor Pleasures

    Great song. A bit long.
  2. Flux

    People Who Died

    The 47 Club is the new 27 Club
  3. Flux

    People Who Are In Hospital In Critical Condition

    He hasn't died though, this just draws a bigger spotlight to it without any real benefit to the family. Hope he pulls through, always liked him even though I'm a United follower.
  4. Flux

    People Who Are In Hospital In Critical Condition

    This is an odd one. His former club announces it but then asks for privacy for the family.
  5. Flux

    People Who Died

    This one has me shook
  6. Flux

    Band Photos

    Has anyone ever seen Blackie Connors and Captain Beefheart in the same room?
  7. Flux

    Fontaines DC

    Haven't listened to more than three minutes of these lads in my life, and bu the sounds of things I ain't missing much.
  8. Flux

    Thumped Kru Choonz.

    Hello Thumpders. Haven't posted for ages but been lurking here and there. These days it's just late night low-energy flakeouts when the kids are gone to bed. But getting the old love of recording back, tis good for the soul.
  9. Flux

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Fyfe's drumming was such a breath of fresh air at the time (90-92). I can still remember my excitement at seeing them in Dec 1992 in the SFX after being a fan for what seemed like ages.
  10. Flux

    Wedding Music

    Wedding photographer here btw. I've seen DJ's absolutely nail it but I've also seen them fall on their arse too many times. It's a tricky one and depends a lot on the ability of the dj to read the room and the demographics/atmosphere of the wedding. You can't really beat a good live band but...
  11. Flux

    Wedding Music These guys have a ridiculously large setlist to pick from. Singer was in Revelino.
  12. Flux

    rollerskate skinny.

    Rough mixes from the unfinished third album (circa ‘97) here.
  13. Flux

    Mark E Smiths wanted

    Sorry I can’t help out but that is such a great name, even if you weren’t a Fall cover band 👍🏻👍🏻
  14. Flux

    adios silver jews

    Devastating. Over 25 years listening in wonderment to the man.
  15. Flux

    List every band you've been in.

    (1993 - 2007) Lodern Agitated Radio Pilot Z-Laser Eunuch Gnu Off White & the Tangerines Lord Kerr's Pelvic Biscuits Rank Krobix and Sons Glenwash
  16. Flux

    Video of The Day Alarmist - Petrichor

    Deadly band.
  17. Flux

    My new charity shop cd collection

    Oxfam on Georges St. Freak occurrence, must have been the same person dropped in all that noisy stuff.
  18. Flux

    My new charity shop cd collection

    Outkast - Speakerboxx/The Love Below ...hit and miss but well worth 50c Also came across some Fly Ashtray, Boredoms, Deerhoof and Melt Banana cds for 50c each...bound to be some great stuff there but haven't listened to em yet.
  19. Flux

    No Disco Nostalgia Thread

    I'm not sure. He's done the odd guest slot filling in here and there but I don't think he has his own show at the moment.
  20. Flux

    No Disco Nostalgia Thread

    Dineen unfollowed me on Instagram, the absolute weapon.