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  1. egg_

    Your work situation

    I relate to that a lot, but also I have learned that the boss woman has a point (up to a point). I've never been a very hard worker, but now and again I conjure (or conspire with others to conjure) something up that's useful and unexpected, and that sort of shit is good for one's reputation. Has...
  2. egg_

    Your work situation

    Haha you are ok. You clearly haven't experienced enough embarrasment in your life, and are therefore afraid of it. Would you be interested in my YouTube course called Overcome Your Fear Of Embarassment Via Desensitisation? edit: that was a joke, but now I think of it maybe it would make me rich?
  3. egg_

    Your work situation

    Yeah depends on what industry you're in. It's important/useful if you're in tech
  4. egg_

    Your work situation

    My boss's boss just had "a chat" with me about my boss, who's kinda completely useless. Normally all I ask of a boss is "keep out of my way and give me a good performance review", but lately it's been rankling that this guy is being paid more than I am despite me contributing an order of...
  5. egg_

    Your work situation

    I've seen clips of it just. Left my parents' house in 1989 and somehow never got around to buying a TV
  6. egg_

    Your work situation

    No shame, just something to look forward to! I've never seen the simpsons, and at this stage I'm not arsed - the zeitgeist has passed. The Wire will always be worth watching though
  7. egg_

    Your work situation

    FWIW - you are demonstrating leadership and loyalty by doing this. And that you're not a yes man. If your boss is any use* then this will probably stand to you (and you should put it in your self-assessment so you have a record of it) * though obvs they may not be any use
  8. egg_

    Your work situation

    You're judged on your "performance" at a job, which means exactly what it sounds like it means - your job is a stage, and the people who judge your performance are the audience. Actually getting the job done well is just one aspect of it.
  9. egg_

    Your work situation

    Wow jaysis @Reets that's pretty tough - sounds to me like you're doing meaningful work there though
  10. egg_

    Your work situation

    I was in Cape Town once for a work thing, and on my last day after checking out of the hotel I went on one of those open top bus tour things. Hopped off the bus at some beach and went for a little paddle, and then a fucking huge wave came in and soaked me up to the waist. Had to get back on the...
  11. egg_

    Your work situation

    Whoa! Be sure and post a link when it's published!
  12. egg_

    Your work situation

    My work situation - doubting that the efforts I've been making to get promoted to principal engineer are ever going to pay off. Toying with the idea of getting into management instead, but ... well, I probably have more autonomy as an engineer. Bleurgh I dunno. Maybe I'm not hardcore enough to...
  13. egg_

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli same picture, but from the perspective of the person
  14. egg_

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli show me a picture from the perspective of a person riding on the back of a giant turtle who is singing a cheeful song in a baritone voice
  15. egg_

    Your work situation

    That's lovely!
  16. egg_

    Your work situation

    Surely the whole "bought a country pub cos it sounded cool, turned out it wasn't" story would be a winner here
  17. egg_

    Your work situation

    Are you a civil servant now too @Anthony ?
  18. egg_

    Your work situation

    Check out the new travel management my work is using - called "Navan" :ROFLMAO: attn @Anthony
  19. egg_

    Your work situation

    It's WAY easier to fake culture fit in an interview than it is to fake actual skills. I did a technical interview with a lad lately who'd been rated highly by all previous interviewers but didn't have a fucking breeze when it came to tech.
  20. egg_

    Your work situation

    When I applied for the job I have now I took a lot of time over the application, then did a technical test that took me most of a weekend, then had 6 separate interviews Totally worth it. More enjoyable job, better pay edit: having said that I could probably get paid WAY more in google or FB...