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  1. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Taxi driver. Chatted about the elections. Started out on the same page, but by the end he was like "Sure the IRA weren't so bad though", soon followed by "You can't say anything these days, too many snowflakes" and finally "Now are we ready for our Irish Brexit or not"
  2. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Me too ;_;
  3. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    LUCKY for me, I'm wearing black jeans, a black jumper and black shoes. Reflects the mood well. :LOL:
  4. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm in a pretty emotional mood today, everything keeps tearing me up. "Rainbow Connecion" from the Muppets came on my spotify shuffle and I actually started crying at my desk. So whenever someone wants to get to Burlington Road and put me down, that'll be fine.
  5. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I bought a LOT of varities of mini kitkats in Japan.
  6. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    FUCKING hell, 10 years of suffering for polyps? That's disgraceful, but glad you got to the bottom of it. So my sinus infections are asymptomatic, I never (or at least rarely) get any congestion, which has led my ENT to believe its sinus triggered migraines. I also have a deviated septum which...
  7. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Genuinely feeling terrible. Sinus headache resonating in my ear. I'm not sure, it could be a migraine coming on, either, but was in bed with it yesterday since it was making me feel dizzy. Sick of it tbh, have been in and out of the ENT for a year and a half now, and no further on to figuring...
  8. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    The guy that sits beside me at work snorts all day. One of these days I'm going to explode and just scream BLOW YOUR NOSE YOU SEWER-DWELLER.
  9. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm going to give this a go, thank you!
  10. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh very iteresting, my Indian coleague suggested the same! He's really struggling since moving here. In an office job you really get no light at this time of year. OK cool, this seems like a productive suggestion, thank you!
  11. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm having a VERY hard time getting out of bed the last few weeks. Now, I know this reads as classic January, which partly, but its actually getting to the point where I'm routinely late/waste time at the weekends because I feel so exhausted. Anyone else struggle with this in winter?
  12. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I have really, really bad dentist phobia and have to go tomorrow because I chipped a tooth. So now I'm having nightmares! WAHEY
  13. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    me either. I did the bed bargaining hard this morning.
  14. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I can't wait to see her little face ;_;
  15. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

  16. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I don't know, while I fully agree you can train cats and definitely should follow those tips (the hand aren't toys one especially!!) I do think it varies from cat to cat, depending on their personality and circumstances. Some cats express themselves with love bites, for example, which is normal...
  17. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Same, I need to cop on and wear grown up clothes to work instead of my usual grungy teen choices. If I had real shoes on instead of classic reeboks like a child, my feet would probably be dry.
  18. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    might have been a sandwich out of their pocket in that sketch actually... even more relevant.
  19. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Also, same colleague keeps a big bag of snacks beside desk. No probs, snacks are grand. But its really disconcerting when someone snacks on a dry sliced pan, and kinda pulls it out in a "low key" way, slice by slice, like they don't want to share/anyone to see. Reminds me of that Dylan Moran...
  20. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Do you ever get the feeling that someone in your line of vision/who sits near you at work is doing something specifically to get your attention? Like they take a book out of their bag and keep turning it over in their hands and kinda side eyeing you like they want you to go "oh wow what a great...