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  1. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I can really relate to that issue.
  2. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I got absolutely drowned this morning on the way to the doctors clinic, then I bought mouldy strawberries as a "treat" in m&s to cheer me up. I had a nap on lunch and accidentally slept 2.5 hours, and woke up feeling like I was in Inland Empire. Its been one hoot after another, lads.
  3. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Sick of it. Sick of it all.
  4. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    The weather lads, I'm fucking sick of feeling like I've been punched in the face. Can we keep the long days of daylight and fuck the humid nonsense in the bin.
  5. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    But I met him outside Whelans in like 2008!
  6. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Back to work after taking a week off to get hitched. The depression.
  7. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I actually really, really hate when this happens.
  8. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I am 100% in my own world these days. Last few weeks, I've been spaced out to heck. Work is super busy, so I get stuck in and suddenly, bam! Its lunch! I'm starving! Where has the time gone? I mean, this bits cool, I like work not feeling like its 100 hours long, per day. But like, even in the...
  9. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm sorry you're struggling buddy. I keep seeing people out and about in gardens and feeling really jealous in my dark basement apartment,, but I know I'm lucky in a lot of ways too. It definitely comes in peaks and troughs. I hope you're getting some time to yourself to get out.
  10. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I would like one of those. Wanna come make one for my art studio?
  11. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm working from home but seriously overloaded with training so doing fuck all other than work sleep and eat, to be honest.
  12. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Lockdown officially extended? Any credible source for it and until what date? Not questioning it, needed for work related thing.
  13. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Accidentally did the FIRE NOODLE CHALLENGE on lunch. Ordered the wrong ramen from the Asia Market, and ended up with the 2x Fire Noodles. BLEW MY HEAD OFF and didn't even get a video clip to prove how hard I am.
  14. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    No I totally needed to hear this <3 And I'm sorry about your holiday, thats a fucking dose. I hope you have a really chill staycation or something here and get the rest. Maybe a last minute airbnb in the country somewhere with fresh air and green? This place is unreal if you're into a drive -...
  15. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Thank you! We're just looking at insurance now. It could all be ttoally fine, the wedding is very very small (30 people) and isn't til late June, but its hard to predict and I've NEVER dealt well with uncertainty :)
  16. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    My anxiety is through the roof. Have a permanent lump in throat and fluttery feeling, and I've had to duck into the bathroom for a big old sob every day this week and last. In total ribbons, haven't slept properly in weeks. Corona anxiety + having to cancel all our wedding plans and plan a new...
  17. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Same. I limit myself to 3 glasses of wine per week now, because booze just does not agree with me anymore. Had 2 last night, and feel a billion times more tired than usual
  18. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    My cat Monty knocked over a glass of red wine and got it on his tail. I chased him and got some off but he started licking it. He was sick for a few days, not keeping food down and groaning, brought him to the vet as I know cats are super allergic to grapes, but he's better now. TL;DR minor...
  19. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm really feeling very low and irritable. Just fed up of all people and everything. Leave me alone everyone.
  20. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I thought that was an avenue best avoided, but I also got the impression he was trying to wind me up. Unlucky for me, I've gotten more confrontational and bloshy with age, but the tiredness this morning meant I just looked at my phone and made a "peh" sound. We'll never know. He had pure madcap...