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  1. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i dont think any of us can explain or justify what has happened in the north. its a bot like WW2 - lots of people dies in it, but it had to happen. doesnt mean those involved actively looked forward to it happening or anything
  2. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    what points were being made that I missed? I believe I tried to answer anything that was asked of me.
  3. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    deal. get that mumblin fella off my back and all will be grand. Problematic has indeed been much more concise than I, and i take my hat off to him, if i were wearing one. I apologise for ignoring you - I didnt mean to. I do realise i may have been insulting alright, but just read over...
  4. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    is it indeed. how so? what am I blindly believing in? that SF and the provos werent involved? so you have all the evidence to tell me Im wrong then or are you blindly believing they did it because you dont like them? You'll never answer me anyway since at this stage all you seem to do is...
  5. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i would like to trust the loyalists. actually donaldson is regularly in dublin, which is something that wouldnt have happened a few years back. I see where you're coming from, but when people dont look at the facts and blindly believe things i cant help but think they obviously have lost the...
  6. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i can think of that alright. i just cant think how, in the current climate, it can be done. especially when so many people obviously mistrust and misunderstand the republican movement
  7. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    it'd be a horrible job
  8. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    it still hinged on the gfa though. the ira decided to try it, the realira decided not to sign up.
  9. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    I wouldnt want one.
  10. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    the realira didnt really believe the british and unionists wanted peace, and they may ewll have had a valid point considering how long its been and the GFA still isnt implimented.
  11. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    its back to the usual crap talking again by those who believe things because everyone says so. get to the point here - theres no evidence to say the provos robbed a bank or that sinn fein were involved. punishment beatings happen due to an incompetant and untrusted police force - and...
  12. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    must be true - everyone says so!! sorry but I need more proof than that fair enough. probably explains why you are so biased against SF though. mightnt either, but I can make such assumptions since worse assumptions have been made about me in this thread
  13. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i am defintely gone from this thread as I realise those I am debating against do not actually know their subject material
  14. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    ok - let me repeat my answer from before. Some nationalists in the north vote for SF and ALSO SUPPORT THE IRA. if you understood your history you would understand why that is, plus you would understand why sinn fein make cash out of it, plus you would understand that there are those who...
  15. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    ah here we go again. I have no idea what went on with the unfortunate mr mccarthy. You should go to the ruc/priest/solicitor since you obviously have information that no-one else has otherwise you shouldnt be able to make such claims. How do you know it wasnt dissidents, a local row, the...
  16. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    tell you what - why not go up to the north and ask a few nationalists yourself?
  17. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    so theres no police force for large sections of the community to go to and you dont call that an argument? fix the problem and the symptons will go. john hume said that years ago and STILL no-one has done that. If youre going to get so moral about punishment beatings then at least find out...
  18. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    go read some history and learn something. alot of sinn fein supporters are also IRA supporters, but people like you have no idea why and I cant be arsed explaining.
  19. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    No - people who think they know the person I am through who i vote for. t hose people are bigots. what the hell do you expect? Obviously its predicable as my name isnt martin mcguinness
  20. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    lorcanzo - thanks for answering those questions. the point Im trying to make is that theres alot of things we dont know yet - but everyone seems to have made up their minds as to what has happened. as ive said before in this thread, we will have to wait and see. as ive also said...