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  1. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Did it wake you up on time ? You should be thanking it.
  2. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh yeah I did that recently it's fucking amazing.
  3. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Makes sense, but it's redundant now since the penalty taker just get's a two yard head start.
  4. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Yea Yeah Bernie. You are also a monster. Keep tweeting though.
  5. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    That's because you're a fucking monster. In football it's the curved line at the top of the eighteen yard line. It's football pitch markings appendix. No one knows what the fuck it's there for. In Snooker it's basically the same but has a purpose In Anatomy it's a penis. Has this been...
  6. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Fuck sake Thumped
  7. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Just wash your hair with white spirits.;)
  8. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Me too. They should all go without saying though especially the checking your phone while someone is talking to you. "So yeah obviously my family's really torn up by all of this it's a huge burden and" Beep beep Person checks phone "I'm sorry is my existence interfering with your phones...
  9. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Man up, pussy.
  10. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    And there like "it's better than your's"
  11. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    What are they watching ? Just casually ruin the ending for them like my Da does. "What's that you're watching ? "Die Hard" "Oh right, have I seen that....." he stares at the screen for a while, squinting "Oh yeah he throws yer man out the window at the end. It's pretty cool actually...
  12. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Girls like assholes, women settle for assholes. Anyway. Went on holiday for 11 days, got back and a leaky tank in the attic destroyed our bedroom floor and ceiling. Called a plumber who came out looked at the situation and went "Hmmmm ? what's that doing there ?" He's coming back to remove the...
  13. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    It's 33 degrees where I am. I'm dying.
  14. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Misandry in action.
  15. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Have you planned what to do with all the food when it pisses rain and no one shows ?
  16. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    You mean there wasn't a cop posted outside The Pop Inn to intimidate their patrons at the time ? Typical the one fucking time there's a fucking crime. It was probably the kid on the bike.
  17. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Where did this happen ? any CCTV ?
  18. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I opened a press, the measuring jug fell out knocking my lady's cup into the sink breaking in in half and the jugs nozzle snapped off. I didn't get a job I interviewed for. It's going to be 26 degrees on average for the next week. The heat is making me itchy. My job is bullshit. I'm a big...
  19. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I don't know what it is that's in here (probably tiger) but it soothes the pain and knocks me out. Maybe you could get your 15 year younger toy boy to rub it in for you.
  20. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    This one you can do.