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  • Users: Space
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  1. Space

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Hi hope you're all well, we got some gigs coming up.
  2. Space

    Bloody Head, Hubert Selby Jr Infants, Creepy Future - Dublin

    Three bands and class pints all for a tenner on Thursday the 11th April. Bloody Head are over from Nottingham. They exist somewhere between Noise Rock and Space Punk and are one the best live bands around. Top lads all round too. For fans of Pissed Jeans, Black Flag, Hawkwind...
  3. Space

    Creepy Future VS Mana VS Soft On Crime - Saturday Night Special in Anseo

    Three of Dublin's finest together for one night only. A veritable 3-Way Tie (For Last). Saturday 2nd March. Doors about 8. Tenner on the door. Come party like it's 2024. Check out the bands at the links below...
  4. Space

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I haven't give any credence to any theory I'm just here pointing out how predictable your responses are. As I said already I haven't a clue if it was deliberate or not, I find the reporting on such things interesting especially when the stories change and new evidence comes along contradicting...
  5. Space

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    There's multiple sources referenced in this thread but your feelings are correct, yeah right. You haven't a clue what happened same as the rest of us. Suggesting that anyone who doesn't agree with your guesses and feelings has a hard-on for Russia is predictable as fuck too and does nothing for...
  6. Space

    Minor complaints thread

    and to think said table is just a kerb.
  7. Space

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    That's two very different sentences. Either way you probably shouldn't be making bold claims when you don't really know what happened.
  8. Space

    General Election 2025

    Nah they're proper socialists with a republican lean. Much less hateful than FFFG..
  9. Space

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I was wondering when you'd be along to explain how wrong it is.
  10. Space

    General Election 2025

    Toddler's don't firebomb hotels and politicians houses so not sure treating these people with a softly softly approach is a great idea.
  11. Space

    General Election 2025

    I'd imagine they see all TDs as traitors to whatever idea they have a of Ireland.
  12. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    You're already cool. You've got a yellow pannier bag.
  13. Space

    The Cosmic Right

    thatconspiracygirl: "I'm not a conspiracy theorist"
  14. Space

    2023 Tunes, not albums, Thread

    Class band and class people. Think that gig also has Remote Viewing featuring our Bres on drums. Have this interview open in a tab but haven't had a chance to get stuck in yet...
  15. Space

    Just signed up for Bluesky

    I'm on there now too.
  16. Space

    The Cosmic Right

    Wait til she reads the Cosmic Trigger books. First one is 46 years old now. She might lose her mind.
  17. Space

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

  18. Space

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    I just checked out of curiosity and the IFA does represent fish farms or is supposed to at least..
  19. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    So you're yet to commute with a fixie. Why do ned to lie to me??
  20. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    According to a FB memory this morning I'm 12 years with my fixed gear bike.