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  1. daydream_nation


    my rents are sposed to be flying to the states tomor from dublin via london. theyre moving over to live there...having to try and re-book flights and all that jazz..what a fawking dose.
  2. daydream_nation

    workshop 5, an realt dearg cork

    leaving cert maths yea.. aoife b has organised this months workshop, line up looks sweet. math rock free zone
  3. daydream_nation

    Theo Parrish this Sunday - 6 hour set - free in

    sweet he was great in cork a few months back. LOUD though.. my ears were broken for a few days. i think the general consensus was theres only so many times you can turn theo to turn it down though :) perfect for post villalobos recovery session...enjoy ya bastids
  4. daydream_nation

    workshop 4, an realt dearg, cork

    mr bump goes in search of owls
  5. daydream_nation

    london.. bookshops

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The Scientician again. BOO
  6. daydream_nation

    london.. bookshops

    thanks scientician! looks good. and a cake shop too? solid gold!
  7. daydream_nation

    london.. bookshops

    sup fools this should probably be in arts & culture but thought this place has better odds for success. looking for some recommendations for bookshops in lahndahn. something hodges figgis ish, for academicy type books, ja na? any suggestions much appreciated
  8. daydream_nation

    workshop 4, an realt dearg, cork

    hey thumped ambient/drone/electronica stuff, bit o owlstep. ya know yourself.
  9. daydream_nation

    Disco edts

    bizarrely enough i heard it when i was having a pint yest evening in a place that usually plays indie ish stuff. i was more interested in how they got an mp3 of it! must check out that podcast
  10. daydream_nation

    Disco edts

    the instruments of rapture series some stuff on jisco also, mark e did a mad edit of la vie en rose, the grace jones thing. 'freakin shrieken'. not on th'aul you tube though
  11. daydream_nation

    Disco edts

    loadsa goodies on disco deviance
  12. daydream_nation

    Recommend me some Ambient/soundscapes

    didn't realise this thread had been gone so long. anyway... the dakota suite:
  13. daydream_nation

    RATM playin the 02

    had to get up early to get tickets for my lil bro. it hasnt sold out...panic for nada. back to sleep with me... damn you internet for distracting me, youre not even any good
  14. daydream_nation

    Stuff Customers say to me in work

    playing at 6 on a sunday evening with ambient/jazz on the poster.. "play some david morales willa? d'youve anything faster?"
  15. daydream_nation

    Stuff Customers say to me in work

    service users as opposed to customers here but anyway.. 'he's very hyper,he'd want something to calm him down. a laxative or something' and a classic from yesterday, a parent told us she can't tell her son she was here cos he'll say what are you going over talking to those spastics about...
  16. daydream_nation

    workshop 3, an realt dearg cork, february 21st

    hey thumped some more workshop type o shenannigans next sunday. had really good fun playing with aoife n jim at the last one. jims set was appropriately described as very german sounding,but with a loada hari krishnas running through it. if only the next one could be half as good. albert...
  17. daydream_nation

    Buckfast vs Cheap Sherry?

    ya absolutely
  18. daydream_nation

    Buckfast vs Cheap Sherry?

    got id'd buying buckfast a couple of weeks ago. im 25 like... what makes it more confusing is it was on thomas st. if i looked like a wino it wouldnt have been a problem like