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  1. kevin gallen

    Why am I so underwhelmed by music these days?

    I'm the same when it comes to finding anything new, will be going to my 3rd Teenage Fanclub gig this year next month and the only other gigs I've been to this year were Stevie Wonder and Randy Newman. so nothing new whatsoever.. Only music I buy is vinyl that rarely is less than 20 years old...
  2. kevin gallen


    Good win for Northampton at the weekend. Looks like Kevin Thornton is staking a claim for an Irish place. So great to finally have a place to discuss these things.
  3. kevin gallen


    bout time and all
  4. kevin gallen

    Fantasy Championship

    I'm finding this all very unusual :)
  5. kevin gallen


    Cheers lads, be great to meet up when we are over. looks like we have the Böckhstraße place sorted for the month.
  6. kevin gallen


    got offered a sublet here - Böckhstraße - Kreuzberg. Near enough to you I presume? ok area?
  7. kevin gallen


    Cheers, passing all this stuff on to the girlfriend. She has been reading lots of forums and has found people generally of the same opinion as yourself ie. It's gonna be tough. anyway with my work and some savings we can give it a go for a while and see how it goes. cheers for the help.
  8. kevin gallen


    Thanks a lot for the help. appreciate it. Just to clarify - You don't have anything available until January? or are you saying the 1st place is available?. Il be working from home but the girlfriend needs to find work. She is a primary school teacher. She has been looking on toytown and stuff...
  9. kevin gallen


    I'm moving to Berlin for the year with my girlfriend on Sept 27th. We were hoping to find a sublet for the 1st month or so rather than sign a year lease on some place we have never seen. Bit of a long shot but I know there are a few thumped people living in Berlin. Any of ye know of anything...
  10. kevin gallen

    Fantasy Championship

    ha, that's kinda what reminded me about this however he is not listed yet
  11. kevin gallen

    Fantasy Championship

    New league for anyone interested - the League PIN: 6995
  12. kevin gallen

    Alex Chilton dies

    fuck sake -
  13. kevin gallen

    What did your Grandfather do for a living?

    My grandad is a tv pundit. he is a grumpy sod but sound enough when ya get drink into him. my other grandad was responsible for turning cats against dogs.
  14. kevin gallen

    ♥♥♥Popical Island #1, Upstairs@Whelan's, June 19 2010♥♥♥

    Good luck with it lads, will hopefully make it in sometime during the day.
  15. kevin gallen

    Teenage Fanclub return!

    new album is a bit boring but still this should be deadly
  16. kevin gallen

    2009-2010 Championship Thread

    Great game. Hopefully Cardiff City FC will now be liquidated. Holloway seems to have really come on as a manger. Much better brand of football.
  17. kevin gallen

    Actimel Ad

    Whats the name of the band/music on this ad? Regards Magic Hat
  18. kevin gallen

    Africa Day, May 16, Iveagh Gardens with Jape, Solo Cissokho (kora), Fidil and more

    Re: Africa Day, May 16, Iveagh Gardens with Jape, Solo Cissokho (kora), Fidil and mor Can you bring yer own beer into this?
  19. kevin gallen

    Gerry Ryan dead

    I used to really dislike Gerry Ryan but now i realise it was Tony Fenton I hated all along. RIP Tony
  20. kevin gallen

    Alex Chilton dies

    great article, cheers