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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey


    Clock's tickin'. Sanctions are gonna be up quicker than a trouser tent during baywatch. This is one sequel that's gonna beat the original. Yee-Har, ride em cowboy; know what i'm sayin?
  2. Corey

    Hey BURKE!!! You SUCK!!!!

    Jus' sayin.
  3. Corey

    Mrs. B Haven does nothin' for me

    Bring it, ho'.
  4. Corey

    Whats so wrong about milk?

    Good strong healthy teeth and bones, see?..
  5. Corey

    Favourite theme tune.

    Apologies if this threads been done before. Heard the theme tune for bod yesterday for the first time in 20 years and went batshit fucking crazy for the duration. There was nothing i could do. Anyone any notin where it can be found? Here comes Bod.
  6. Corey

    Work diarreah

    Hooo. Its coming out like a laser beam.
  7. Corey

    Them Risks.

    So all this talk of falling asleep in work ,and not doing as much as you wanted at 30 has ressurected my burning desire to quit all jobs i hate and devote my time to doing somthing completely useless like painting. They sell well, but i never get to do any cos there's no time; and wot with new...
  8. Corey

    Who'd ride Lefty?

    I would. But i dont want to ruin our friendship.
  9. Corey

    Parlour bar's last call.

    We know it's been mentioned before, but David Brent up behind the bar tells me it's their last night of business tomorrow, and seeing as Fitzgerald would be fool to leave broke as it is, anyone who has a soft spot for it's broken couches and sunlight through the winda's should maybe grab one...
  10. Corey


    I vaugely recall your post yesterday mentioning birthday somethings, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SHINY DANCER!
  11. Corey

    On the telly tonight:

    Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD. Starring: THE HOFF! 12.00, Utv i think. If you get in early and there's still booze in your bones.
  12. Corey

    Is Thumped bad for you??

    It may be just bad for me. I aint done a fucking thing all day. Depending on your circumstances, how many hours a day/week/month do yiz spend on this forum?? -This is an open invitation to scare or humiliate me back to work. ed. Like starting a thread's gonna help, you fucking moron........
  13. Corey

    Happy Birthday c40

    Happy Birthday Beans. See yiz when ye git back.
  14. Corey

    Think Friends is Shit?

    Of course you do. So lock up your sisters.And their friends. Cos they're making a movie of it. je-ay-zuzz....
  15. Corey

    Devotional music- good or just prettied up bible speak?

    Just found a copy of Mahalia Jackson's The Upper Room. It's so good it nearly made me wanna pray. -nearly... which begs the question as to whether devotional music can be appreciated on a technical level. Can it? Should it? and if so, does that take away from it's aesthetic?
  16. Corey

    Last orders at the parlour.

    Well den. Far be it from me to be sashaying round the place making grandiose proclamations; but how is it that just as soon as a good thing gets going in some wee rundown little bar you frequent; the owner goes and sells the pretty little bitch? Stags Heed sold and bought by one Louis Mulcahey...
  17. Corey

    avatar schmavatar.

    I have a simply delightful kodak moment of me on my confirmation day, supping on what everyone thought was a mug of T.K, when in fact it was actually elderberry wine i'd pilfered from Mommy's special drawer earlier. Cant seem to get it on my avatar on tough. Even the teensyest little jpeg is...