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  • Users: #10-7
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  1. #10-7


    does anyone need a player for a tuesday evening game? like y'know, with jerseys and positions and that.
  2. #10-7

    for the lads...,,30000-13298513,00.html
  3. #10-7

    does anyone have a lend of a copycat?

    would anyone be kind enough to lend me a copycat delay pedal for a few days next week?
  4. #10-7

    four years, 3000 posts

    thanks pete! i've met lots of cool people, i've played loads of great gigs, i laughed, i've seen boobs, i've done it all. i've lived through the four ages of thumped: the punk/cool era the uncool era the fight/war era the women/lifestyle era happy days. :)
  5. #10-7

    Fantasy football

    1..kimmage rovers........joss moorkens.......53..1160 2..Skinners Select........Matthew Byrne.....40..1136 3..Go Ahead Eagles......Dave Magera.........71..1126 4..phoenix park rangers.Neil Williams..........29..1120 5..Stealing Binlids FC.....Ed Murphy............35..1032 6..Fat Back...
  6. #10-7

    Souness - Anti Irish?

    Interesting thing i was reading today about Given and O'Brien reportedly leaving St James Park... A few years ago there was loads of stories about Sounes being anti irish. For example; he famously sold Ronnie Whelan, Ray Hougton and Steve Staunton shortly after arriving at Liverpool, he sold...
  7. #10-7

    music DVD's

    Due to imaginationless family i have lots of music store gift vouchers. so i'm going to get a few music dvd's. i was thinking: sonic youth: corporate ghost smashing pumkins: best of videos thing eh... i can't think of anymore i want. any recommendations?
  8. #10-7

    happy birthday andy!

  9. #10-7

    Shitty Year

    does it strike anyone else that it was a fairly shitty year? - Beslan - Asian Disaster - Ken Bigley, Margaret Hassan Killings.. - Iraq - Sports cheats - Bush re-elected - Sudan :( hopefully 2005 is better....
  10. #10-7

    Christmas Bonus

    i just got a Christmas bonus! thats never happened before. i love santy.
  11. #10-7

    delorentos shtuff

    Delorentos are playing the temple bar music centre tonight.. its free in! also playing are Shade, the mighty Stef, and Felix. i have no idea who these people are. Tomorrow we play Whelans with Scribble and Ham Sandwich. thats €7 in. oh, and we've a new website.. i...
  12. #10-7

    I have a heartache

    C'est comme une machine a fond de train Une locomotive qui foncerait sans fin It's like a machine at full power A locomotive charging without end Des coups des secousses, je m'habitue pas Qui conduit, qui pousse ce train, qui sait ou il va? Hits shakes, I'm not getting used to Who's driving...
  13. #10-7

    co-ed tree porner

    did anyone hear about that guy who sits in trees and video's co-eds?
  14. #10-7

    Ireland Voted best place in the world to live...

    in fairness. really? should we stop going on about the luas and stuff so? britain :29th france :25th its mad eh?
  15. #10-7

    Ritchie Partridge

    Partridge played well against 'Boro the other night, and Bennythez said that he was 'in his thoughts' for the next few games. could this be the last chance for him at liverpool? and with Harry Kewell playing so shit recently is it a good chance?
  16. #10-7

    Thumped on ice

    Ice skating begins this weekend in the RDS. I *love* ice skating.
  17. #10-7

    MonkeyDust anyone seen this show? its fucking hilarious in parts...
  18. #10-7

    Anyone want a free ticket to Motorhead?

    pm me if you'd like two free tickets to see lemmy and the boys tonight.
  19. #10-7

    Bush -> what a dick this gentleman is. however, current opinion polls are, while at an early stage, looking like he still has the advantage. how?
  20. #10-7

    John Peel Dead

    John Peel died in peru last night. He was 65.