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  1. It Will Never Last

    Monkey Island

  2. It Will Never Last

    Modric opts for Spurs

    £15.8m apparently. This is a savage signing.
  3. It Will Never Last

    Somebody has a sense of humour...

    Feyenoord are going to host Spurs, Borussia Dortmund and Celtic in a pre-season tournament to celebrate their 100th anniversary in early August. There will be murders! Even Celtic will be on their toes for this one! Should I go?
  4. It Will Never Last

    Need some help with

    I'm hoping to use my Nokia N95 as a mobile modem (now that o2 are offering slightly more attractive pricing for their data plans) with my Asus EeePC. I've found a solution here: The problem there is: And I haven't a fucking clue how to do any...
  5. It Will Never Last

    Five ex-Yids return to White Hart Lane on Saturday

    Injury permitting. Four will be welcomed back with respect. Judas will be barracked for 90 minutes. Never forget. When Campbell comes running on the pitch, Judas, Judas. When Campbell comes running on the pitch, Judas, Judas. Take me up the arse he begs, But Alan Hutton breaks his legs...
  6. It Will Never Last

    Recommend me a HDMI cable?

    Please? Don't need too long, from PS3 to TV.
  7. It Will Never Last

    Offer to Red Mickeys.

    I do not believe Rafa will ever win a PL title at Liverpool. To that end I would like to offer to offer the following: I bet €150 that the Pool wil never win a PL title with Rafa at the helm. That €150 is made up of €100 to be donated to a charity of your choice, and €50 to you. In exchange...
  8. It Will Never Last

    Fuck sake

    Tumble dryer stopped working last week (well, nearly caught fire more like) and now tonight my washing machine ist kaputt. Fuck sake. How much is a call out?
  9. It Will Never Last

    Football is crying tonight...

    ...on the day Sky Sports wank off over a couple of borefests, a tru legend has confirmed his retirement from football at the end of the season. :(
  10. It Will Never Last

    People who can fuck right off...

    #1 Kerry Katona. #2 Pat Kenny. Feel free to add.
  11. It Will Never Last

    I'm off to Israel tomorrow

    If anything happens to me I'd like to leave my rep to code ninja, and my PMs to JANER. k thx bye.
  12. It Will Never Last

    The promised land

    Israel. I shall be visiting Tel Aviv for 3 days in November, the 2nd half of the third day will be taken up with the small matter of a football match. Anyone been? JANER?
  13. It Will Never Last

    HDTV - what should I be looking for?

    Wanna buy a HDTV jobbie but know absolutely nothing about them. What's a good brand/model? What res should I be looking for? Connections and shit? I unly want something relatively wee, 28" maybe.
  14. It Will Never Last

    GPRS on mobile phones while roaming

    Careful now! o2 are trying to charge me just under €60 for 1.35MB of data I accessed while roaming in that London on Wednesday. They can charge my swiss...:mad: Actually, they're investigating and are due to get back to me.
  15. It Will Never Last

    I'm out of practise being on thumped (did youse miss me?) How do I get back into the schwing of things?
  16. It Will Never Last

    You know you've forgotten you're not on thumped when...

    1. You call someone "ma fren" 2. You do the sekrit handshake.
  17. It Will Never Last

    Spurs-Pats friendly

    If anyone hears of a spare for this game can you drop me a line? Have a mate coming over from that London we need a ticket for him. Ta.
  18. It Will Never Last

    Chris Benoit found dead

    Story breaking that WWE star Chris Benoit has been found dead along with his wife and young son. Its a long time since I've bothered watching wrestling, but he was a truly great athlete and one of the few naturally gifted...
  19. It Will Never Last

    Media managers and iPod

    New laptop and I'm installing software over the weekend. Sick of having 5/6 media managers installed (Windows Media Player, Realplayer, vlc, iTunes, winamp etc etc) so would like to choose as few as possible. I need to stream radio using Realplayer links, rip cds and transfer tunes to my iPod...