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  1. BarryTape

    Hardy Bucks

    Welcome to Castletown dickhead. Some show!
  2. BarryTape

    Free advice

    Topical cooling gel either.
  3. BarryTape

    Free advice

    If anyone needs a cure for ringsting hit me up, weh.
  4. BarryTape

    The Ellen DeGeneres Show

    Seriously they must, or else there is actually something wrong with the last chap in the pink shirt.
  5. BarryTape

    Free advice

    Sound advice yet again!
  6. BarryTape

    Free advice

    I'm going to get drunk and make a show of myself in a few hours, how can I sort this out tomorrow?
  7. BarryTape

    The Ellen DeGeneres Show
  8. BarryTape

    The Ellen DeGeneres Show

    I think I'm going to catch the Drs today, they're talking about BED WETTING!
  9. BarryTape

    The Ellen DeGeneres Show

    I've seen too much of this show for my own good, but I've actually laughed at some parts. They sometimes show clips of people singing along to songs before the show, I think the fact that I was stuck with 3 TV channels for months made this more funny than it is?
  10. BarryTape

    Free advice

    If I piss out my window will I anger some passing cyclist?
  11. BarryTape


    Ah goretex
  12. BarryTape

    Another PDF question

    Finally found something that should do the job.
  13. BarryTape

    Another PDF question

    Cheers plug I don't have a mac so the first things not an option. I don't actually think it's a problem with photoshop or not I'm getting read memory errors when I'm trying to save any pdf.
  14. BarryTape

    Number for sick joke

    087 696969
  15. BarryTape

    Another PDF question

    I've been using photoshop to create multiple page pdfs so they can be sent off to printers. All of a sudden yesterday it's been crashing every time I try to make them. So does anyone know of any free software for creating multiple page pdfs from seperate images? Thanks
  16. BarryTape

    the peak of journalistic endeavor

    Ah I tried to read it but gave up after the first paragraph and closed the tab. It's just too good.
  17. BarryTape

    the peak of journalistic endeavor

    Them paragraphs are shockingly long for online writing. Tut, tut...
  18. BarryTape

    Publisher To Pdf?? Any use?
  19. BarryTape

    Registering .ie domain name (and a company)

    I think that all seems right.
  20. BarryTape

    Photoshop / PDF Compression settings

    What version of photoshop are you using?