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  1. tommytrousers

    who is doing that Irish zine anthology again?

    I found around 80+ zines that you might wanna look at. get in touch so I can arrange a way to let you get a look at them...
  2. tommytrousers

    FAO: Broken Arm

    Remember to log out dude when using DIT computers. Could have read all yr PM's and started a blackmail campaign against you!:D
  3. tommytrousers

    where can I hire a fancy electronic tuner?

    gonna try do the action /intonation on my guitar myself so I need to borrow/hire one of those super accurate rackmount tuners.Anybody know where I could get hold of one or an alternative method of doing the job?
  4. tommytrousers

    record shops in Amsterdam?

    off over there in a coupla weeks anyone know any decent record shopping, especially vinyl, 2nd hand and the like...
  5. tommytrousers

    What was the best gig you ever went to?

    ok so we've had the first gig, lets move onto the important shite. doubt if i'll ever see anything to top Bad Brains in the london astoria in '89
  6. tommytrousers

    anyone else been watching the African Football?

    it's been deadly, loads of drama and not too hung up on methodical defending. Looking forward to seein' who wins it.
  7. tommytrousers

    fao: Neilo

    Just sent you a PM
  8. tommytrousers

    kelloggs ad

    does anyone know who that whineyshite music is by on the cornflakes ad. puts me in an even worse mood every morning-need to know who the culprits are......
  9. tommytrousers

    FAO:No Compliance/kilcoolies

    could someone let dara from No Compliance know that the gig this sunday is not going ahead. will try ring his gaff later.
  10. tommytrousers

    anyone into Ten Benson?

    would any of you thumpers be interested in seeing ten benson if I tried booked some Irish dates?
  11. tommytrousers

    Restarts in the International Sun Sept 14 (afternoon gig)

    The Restarts + support TBC International Bar, Wicklow St. Dublin 2. Sunday Sept 14 @ 3.30. Adm. €5 Snotty punk rock from that London+the hate state dj's. as ever pack in/pack out those dutch gold cans. barman will not serve anyone with a skateboard so keep it stashed! please support...
  12. tommytrousers

    Restarts in the International Sun Sept 14 (afternoon gig)

    The Restarts + support TBC International Bar, Wicklow St. Dublin 2. Sunday Sept 14 @ 3.30. Adm. €5 Snotty punk rock from that London+the hate state dj's. as ever pack in/pack out those dutch gold cans. barman will not serve anyone with a skateboard so keep it stashed! please support...
  13. tommytrousers

    anyone got info on Rome?

    does anybody know any cool record shops ,venues, neighbourhoods etc. in Roma? gotta go there to a wedding in oct and was wondering if anything cool is happening there? are there still big anarcho squat venues like in the eighties or any kinda cool scenes there? any info much appreciated
  14. tommytrousers

    anybody ever been to Rome?

    just wondering , any good record shops, markets, neighbourhoods, pubs etc.? any info would be greattly appreciated. going to a wedding there and I will need a punk rock antidote to the more typical tourist rome shit.
  15. tommytrousers

    This Friday the 13th International bar: Ciunas & Mouthpiece

    yes you read it right folks Ciunas are back after 12 years to headlind the International this Friday with Mouthpiece and the hate State DJ's Adm €5. doors 8.30ish
  16. tommytrousers

    anyone got a bass head for sale?

    need to buy a bass amp fairly sharpish, 80Watts minimum all offers considered, email [email protected]
  17. tommytrousers

    info needed on phantom dj's

    could anyone please tell me the name of a dj at Phantom most likely to play garage/punk kinda stuff on air as I got some promos of bands from the states I've been asked to forward....
  18. tommytrousers

    found in international after fridays gig

    casio digital watch and a black hoodie found on the stage after Gig in Intl Bar on Fri night,stuff probably belongs to someone outta Bastard Youth. leave a message and I wil arrange how to return this. Thanks to everyone who came to the show,sorry about the shit P.A., we got let down at the...
  19. tommytrousers

    message for turlough/Foot in Mouth

    hey could someone who knows any of the Kilcoole/Foot in Mouth guys pass on the message that Ash wants them to play this Sunday Afternoon in the International, not on Friday. I will ring Turloughs gaff tonight and leave a message, sorry for any mix up, I am not actually booking Hate State gigs...
  20. tommytrousers

    Mouthpiece & Bastard Youth this friday International Bar Wicklow st

    Friday April 25 Hate State Presents Mouthpiece. (no were not old enough to be anyones da yet!) Bastard Youth. & the Hate State DJ's. Bring the ruckus and remember to take your empty dutch gold cans home(or better still to the nearest recycling centre). Hate State is a new club going...