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  1. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    So you took highly potent psychedelics, including 2cC-I, which Shulgin notes in PIHKAL can be a nice experience at 15mg, noticeably different at 16mg and not nice at 20mg. and 2C-E....with Mephedrone which is like trying to give yourself serotonin syndrome and put as much stress on the body and...
  2. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    Mephedrone or synthetic cannabis is synthetic shit (though fun if used responsibly.) To describe the 2C series as synthetic shit is a bit misleading seeing as they're based around an organic compound and have been used widely without much incident since the 70s when Shulgin first synthesised...
  3. CinnamonBoy


    The Communist Party of Russia said on its official Twitter account that the team was as “soft” as the ruling United Russia party and “for internal use” only. “We need a Stalinist mobilisation. Mental, physical hard strength,” it said.“Why does the national team perform like this, when 11...
  4. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    I would estimate I've taken it three times for therapeutic reasons, four or five times for sheer pleasure, usually candyflipping and I've now not taken it since January. I feel no need and I'd rather have fun with other stuff. LSD really is that important to me....others don't need it. I may...
  5. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    Well, sex on acid is probably about the greatest pleasure I've experienced. And I've yet to try out some other stuff which is even better according to most. There's always that angle.
  6. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    Number one rule of doing LSD is telling a select few people at most. Everyone thinks you're a nutcase and I'm sure my counselor would have too. Maybe not but I wasn't taking chances.
  7. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    Fuck no. It was purchased for pleasure. And you're NEVER too old. And as many here will tell you I'm far from perfect but it can set you on a path. And it probably saved my life, to be honest. What I learned in counseling tied in nicely with the whole thing.
  8. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    You'd cope with it far better now than when you were 24, believe me. You'd also get far more out of it. I was scared to try it, my head full of the myths and propaganda....and I laughed like I'd won the lotto once I'd come up and was feeling so good, every sense awakened to real euphoria and I...
  9. CinnamonBoy

    LSD/Magic Mushrooms (Psilocyb in) Treatment For Depression - Anyone tried it out?

    LSD in combination with counselling sorted out my life so that it's improved since then and continues to do so. It lifted me out of the fog and helped me gain a perspective on my life that had been completely absent. I'm far from perfect but I'm pretty fucking happy. When you've finished...
  10. CinnamonBoy

    Synth and Drums needed for 80s tinged electr pop/new wave band with funk and prog rock leanings

    Rob, Susan & Sergio on Breaking Tunes (The rehearsal recordings were the first time we played with that drummer and the first time he'd heard the songs. ) Susan is 28, from Dresden. Vocals and Saxophone. Sergio is 38, from Burgos. Bass guitar Rob is 34, from mostly Limerick, but also Dublin...
  11. CinnamonBoy

    Thumped Kru Choonz.

    I actually like this Playing: Until I Got Home mix 1.mp3 - picosong
  12. CinnamonBoy

    Your work situation

    I went to my 9 month probation (work) review today. I repeated something kinda "wrong" that my immediate boss said to me out on the road when I met him a few weeks ago one work morning. He denied saying it, then as his boss said something, he pointed his finger at me and threatened me with a...
  13. CinnamonBoy

    Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302]

    Even the "ban them now!" Indo carried the story. 'Magic mushrooms' drug could help with depression, trial suggests - Personally I prefer other psychs, mushies are a bit icky, but psilocybin will certainly do the job alright.
  14. CinnamonBoy

    Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302]

    Psychedelics in around three rounds cured my depression/malaise and general anxiety about everything. Not overnight, but the insights and open mind I gained allowed me to find my way out of a rut. There's now heaps of reports coming weekly about it. If I evangelise it's because it's surely...
  15. CinnamonBoy

    Losing Weight

    Oh and Mamma Ranieri says Claudio never has a starter as he has to stay in shape and for dessert will have strawberries sprinkled with a little sugar and lemon. That's how you eat. Once you get on the speed diet for a while you stop giving a fuck about food anyway and go round quoting Ricky...
  16. CinnamonBoy

    Losing Weight

    Weight loss? Just do speed or some other amphetamine style drug with good anorectic properties. I have a physical job and walk 7km purely for commuting but it was the heavy Phenmetrazine use which really got me from 14.5 stone to my marathon running weight of 10.5-11. That's fluctuated...
  17. CinnamonBoy

    Thumped Kru Choonz.

    Yacht rock/electro pop hybrid (in my dreams but it might be one day) Playing: Until I Got Home-001.mp3 - picosong
  18. CinnamonBoy

    Staying off the drink

    Logged in especially to say well done Gaz!
  19. CinnamonBoy

    Conor McGregor

    I wouldn't go calling a Brazilian dude Portuguese......(unless it's actually Deco. You can call him Portuguese alright.)