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  1. CinnamonBoy

    Major Complaints Thread

    Yeah. I'll introduce you to my pals down by the canal. PM me if you want to though, I've got a free gaff until next week.
  2. CinnamonBoy

    Major Complaints Thread

    I live just over the bridge in Ballybough. Nothing ever happens to me. Either because I often look unhinged and they'll pick the next guy or I'm known at this stage as my uncle is like a Tony Soprano figure in the area and if they messed with me, they'd be fucked, in a bureaucratic manner. I...
  3. CinnamonBoy

    Minor complaints thread

    I agree, but when a chap wants to meet you in town, I'd like to know he's a reliable sort first and won't leave me standing underneath Clery's Clock holding my flange (pedal) in vain.
  4. CinnamonBoy

    Minor complaints thread

    Once Adverts started taking commission if you sold something, everyone responded by marking their sold goods as "withdrawn". Except me, it seems. Honest lad that I am.... Anyway, now you've a bunch of buyers and sellers who have no feedback. Which is very unhelpful when some lad wants to meet...
  5. CinnamonBoy

    The Beatles

    My parents fucking hate the Beatles. It's the glue that holds us together as a family.
  6. CinnamonBoy


  7. CinnamonBoy


    I ain't doubting you but I read the football pages in the manner of someone who is misspending their adulthood, as just misspending their youth wasn't quite enough, and I heard nothing. Maybe I was the only one who missed all that. I hope so.
  8. CinnamonBoy


    "Jake Livermore:Cocaine" has been hanging over him since May. Could they not have used a bit of fucking discretion at the time and saved him the extra hardship. Authoritative figures. All the bloody same.
  9. CinnamonBoy


    I thought this was a marvellous post (and there are very few) on The Clinic on regarding Radcliffe. "Look at the clock and then imagine the finish of a 1,500 race and then watch the second hand hit a point. Then watch the second hand move for 7 seconds. That is the gap every...
  10. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Aye. I'm presuming now that the whole school didn't get Wesdnesday off when Ireland played.....which is what I thought when I first read it.
  11. CinnamonBoy

    Minor Pleasures

    Plenty of posting on Thumped going on. It's a formidable arse if it is dying on it.
  12. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Were you in Marion? I remember when there was a bomb threat and my pals who went there excitedly telling me about the thrill of being evacuated and sent home early. I was jealous.
  13. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Yeah. I was 7. My ma said we were going down to pick up me daddio from work but when we got there she told me to get out of the car and go over to him as he'd something to tell me. "C'mon, we've to get on a train, we're going to the match" The rest of the evening was indescribable. Pure...
  14. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Lookit. I'm a Limerick hurling supporter. We can be shite in the league, have internal trauma at management level but when it comes down to the day we get behind the team and sometimes as rank outsiders we win a munster title and beat Tipp two years in a row, and other days we get hammered...
  15. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    You asked for examples. You got Georgia, Germany and Sweden and Russia. I couldn't give a fuck how much hope you have or don't have. Put your pessimism somewhere else, please.
  16. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Winning in Georgia must go down as points taken against a "decent" team. We got all 3, in fact. We also drew away to Sweden in the WC2014 qualifiers.
  17. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    That's a clamping
  18. CinnamonBoy

    Ireland vs 'Whoever' and Stalin

    Scotland are a poor side. 0 shots on goal against Georgia. A couple of fluky goals last night and still lost. I'm appalled they took 4 points off us. I didn't think much of Poland when they were playing us but they've shown enough so far to at least make us feel confident they won't lose in...
  19. CinnamonBoy

    Asylum ,Immigration

    That's an unseemly and uncalled for slur on my good character and noted respect for all women.