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  1. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh God yeah, totally fucking necessary to expel the anger at how shitty things can be, too. I just find that it brings me down in the greater scheme of things, and I find myself nitpicking on things that are just like, normal life stuff that everyone deals with. I found that towards the end of...
  2. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I know, I suck :) But genuinely, its so freaking draining to complain all the time, I can't even deal with me when I'm moaning. I hear myself, and I'm like, jesus christ, like are you determined to be miserable?
  3. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Not the right thread for it, but I'm definitely trying to be less negative about everything, work included, and it is actually helping. I'm still tired, though... watch this space :)
  4. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    *plz be tomorrow at 4pm.
  5. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    WORST. Because I do this at least weekly, I've always got an audiobook on the go. Still much prefer reading physical books, but its changed my morning game.
  6. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Best of luck buddy. At least you can whittle away the shitty being in work on NYE hours to do something productive for yourself.
  7. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Still obsessively reliving the moment I didn't manage to get Cher tickets.
  8. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I was delighted upon turning 30 to find that the box checking had, as a whole, moved from 30-35, to 25-34 or whatever. For some reason that was the only thing I was worried about.
  9. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

  10. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    just everything. everything. well really just lack of sleep at getting up at 5.30.
  11. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Well, I really like that show but I'll overlook that. If it makes you feel better, I've listened to Closing Time three times this morning.
  12. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

  13. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Another minor complaint, I'm working from home, which yes, still means me getting up 5 mins before I have to be online. This morning I hit the dreaded snooze, and slept through my first meeting.
  14. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Will she make it 6 years in a row being ill at Christmas? She just might.
  15. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Definitely. Fine spices that people may have eaten and already passed, lets put it that way.
  16. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    There are "odour" issues in our building this morning
  17. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Minor complaint that I wasn't locked out :(
  18. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    I would have the same reaction to that, its the exact kind of thing that would send me into breakdown mode to be honest.
  19. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    There was a scene in a book I read this morning on the shuttle to work where one character killed another, and I've been feeling very feelsy-emotional ever since. Songs are making me sad, cold coffee brings a tear, I stared into a puddle at my reflection and sighed.
  20. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Ah Jesus, sorry to hear about the job. I find that the first interview always turns out shite, but gives you a dry run. Something awesome will come up for you