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  • Users: wild_cat
  • Content: Threads
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  1. W

    Home piercing

    My right ear is nice and swolen with a saftey pin through it , dumb of me I know . But I am oh so proud.
  2. W

    Dàil nà nòg

    I attended Dàil nà nòg yesterday. And what a waste of my saturday day in my eyes. It seems to be another organisation set up by fainna fail to look good and also came accross that the main aim of the day was to try get young people to try control other young people on the drinking & drugs front...
  3. W

    The shit being talked about farmers....

    The shit being talked about farmers on the letters to the editor page in the Irish Independant is some of the most insulting comments I have ever saw about a sector of workers. The letters started when a woman gave out about planning permission in wexford being granted to farmers who build...
  4. W

    So why are you in on a Saturday night...

    So then why are you in on the internet on the most social day of the whole week? I am in because my friends are going to a place where I cant go because im ashamed of what I did there a couple of weeks ago owing to the amount of drink i consumed and i have remained sober from that night.. so...
  5. W

    Riot grrrl Offaly and wexford website is the website address for riot grrrl offaly and wexford.. its different from the other riot grrrl websites because we focus more on other areas than zines.. in fact... its safe to say.. we pretty much hate zines.. so visit.. us.. and stuff...