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  • Users: wild_cat
  • Content: Threads
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  1. W

    Cleaning your bedroom.

    I just made myself half clean up my bedroom for the first time in a few months. Its so bad... I just cant... Ive got so much crap that I cant fucking bare to throw away. Its just so bad up there, I cant go back up. My floor was layered and different kinds of crap, every time I remove a layer...
  2. W

    Fonejacker on E4 last night!

    Anyone see this, I thought the mouse thing was so funny especially the bit about his country cousin, and the guy pranking the phone shop looking for a phone that was easy to use with out thumbs because he lost his!!
  3. W

    Newstalk keeping your number on profile..

    I texted in a comment to a show last week and then at around 8.30 this morning I got a phone call from a researcher asking me to go on and speak on the topic. I was asleep when she rang so I dont know what I said to her, I can remember mumbling about embarrasment and thats about it. Im never...
  4. W

    The Golden Gate Bridge is to suicides what Niagara Falls is to honeymooners.” ‘I’m going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump.’ " Should they build a barrier or let the people jump? (sleater-kinneys song jumpers was inspired by this article)
  5. W

    Those guys who cant tell you if another guy is good looking or not?

    Are yis afraid to seem gay or what?
  6. W

    My brain.

    My brain is being extremely bold and refuses to let me cram any notion of economics into it. All my brain can think about is killing off a few cells tomorrow night. My brain is full.
  7. W

    Sher what harm? I cant smell it myself! . This is so funny!!

    hahahah, took my mind off history for a while anyway.
  8. W

    The trauma of pics as you as an akward teenager

    Was looking at pictures there last night from the ages of 12 to 15. No wonder why no fella would come near me back then. How does some one go from being really thin and gangley at 14 to a fat bastard at 15. I weigh less now that I did at 15. Big fat face on me with shite hair, and braces and...
  9. W

    Any of you teach or study English, I need help

    No jokes about my grammer please, I need some one to have a look at a question I answered on Sylvia Plath to tell me if I'm doing it right or not. Got a D in the same question in the mock. PLEASE.......
  10. W

    Allergic to alcohol?

    Is anybody here allergic to alcohol? or know anybody allergic to alcohol? If so what were you/they experiencing when ever you drank?
  11. W

    Finished school today, forever!!

    Finished school today forever!!!!!! Wooo.. I manged to get 130 6th years to wear stripy socks to school!!!!! Quite proud of that, as no one ever listens to me!!! We had a massive waterfight and managed to make all the happy hurlers fall.. as we ran around the school banging on doors and...
  12. W

    "Dont be fucking ringing mobiles off the house phone!!"

    Im going to get something said to me about this by worse forces than my mother, this bill mobiles alone was 32 euro, the last one was 45 just for mobiles (may have been increased by ringing northern ireland for half an hour)... Could I just say... eh , sher get me credit the whole time so, but...
  13. W

    This is really annoying me.

    Stupid fucking awards night once again has come to rear its ugly head in our school. I fucking hate it, usually I never expected to get anything but this year I was so dam fucking sure... Im getting some highest marks all year in art and then I got second highest score in the mock, only to be...
  14. W

    My parents are proper boggers...

    We're cleaning out an attic to one of our old out houses and theres various black bags to go through.. Then we pick up one bag... my ma emptys it out.. Its full of papers from the death of Bobby Kennedy and the popes visit to Ireland. My Da tells her to get rid of them, but she point...
  15. W

    I just found one of those 100 legs things crawling on me

    Was out in the garden with my parents who are cutting hedges. Started messing with a few stones, came inside, found one of those brown things with loads of legs craweling up my leg. Threw off my clothes in the fear that there was more on me. I nearly got sick, I keep thinking theres things...
  16. W

    Cool things that you've lost through drunkness

    Im kinda pissed off about this, but I suppose its karma. About three months ago I decided to wear out a "dennis the mence" fan club badge that ive had since I was around 9 years of age. Got so drunk I didnt know my own name, I was lucky to have what I had in the morning I suppose. But I...
  17. W

    Horror from internet posts from the past..

    Reading old message boards I used to post on... SPA... so I was... used to think communism was cool.. and that some how I was into English,, just from one thread ive found this shite... "when we go on the train to wexford town i like to point out the dump and my mother thinks that im...
  18. W

    Louis Theroux meets the Phelps - Americas most hated family..

    Any one see this on BBC2 last night?,,2046604,00.html Id take a hurl to some of them.
  19. W

    Things I wont miss when I leave home...

    My brothers going between three different sport channels in order to watch everything thats going on... Grey hounds has been on since 6pm and that turned into flicking to the cricket and then the football. My brothers making do everything for them.. "Roisin get my fags for me over there...
  20. W

    No uniform day...

    We had a no uniform day today in school, always fun to see the dodgy dressers. All the "grungers" were out in force, couldnt say anything about them because I once dressed in such a way... (shame) Theres this one girl in particular who dresses really fucking dodge the whole time... She...