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  • Users: wild_cat
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  1. W

    farting infront of a "new" fella for the first time..

    I was trying to wrestle my phone off the chap because he was reading a text that I wrote about him to my friend.... (which was fairly eh detailed) Then mid struggle.... it just came out of no where... I just moved into the middle of the floor with my head in my hands... and started laughing...
  2. W

    Any of you ever had Malaria?

    Think the brother might have it, hes been in Kenya, Thailand and Vietnam this year... Did it just feel a bit worse than the flu?
  3. W

    why are fellas so fecking mixed messagey!

    One day a chap is really into me, then I hear nothing... I guess I may just quote sex and the city "he just wasnt into you", it doesnt really bother me but like why cant yee just say the fecking truth. It makes me laugh some lot of things would be easier if people just told each other out...
  4. W

    Oh lord irish super sweet 16th on mtv now

    i cant watch... last thing i heard was that the gonk wants to hand out his invatations by absailing down the side of a shopping centre
  5. W

    Crawford College of Art & Design cork?

    Anyone go there? Anyone know much about their Illiustraion course?
  6. W

    When your nemesis happens to be waiting your table..

    When out for dinner, nearly fucking died when this yoke that ive had some serious beef with for years ends up waiting our table. She was extremely professional and just delt with things normal. But... Im concerned she spat in my food? This girl robbed my friend before and started on a few...
  7. W

    How do I stop my white peroxide blonde hair from going yellow

    Ive got a head full of peroxide. When I bleach it it goes white but after a week or two it starts to go off white with a yellowish tinge. How do I prevent this? M My hair is in really good condition even after five full head bleaches, which is amazing but I fear my luck is running out and...
  8. W

    People who hate you for no appartent reason

    Theres this chap in my course who just seems to hate me. He's all lovely and nice to everyone else but actually goes out of his way to avoid me. Im always nice to him asking what he did at the weekend or how hes getting on, but he always looks at me like ive insulted him. All was grand about...
  9. W

    Pro-life ad in the trailers at the cinema

    Was at black sheep there tonight. Sitting there waiting for a horror/comedy to come on... Next thing I know im watching this piece of shit propaganda, its got this woman pushing a kid on a swing and then she glances at a vacant swing next to her kid, she then starts to look really sad. Then...
  10. W

    Freaky shite..

    What do yee think of mediums.. A couple of friends and I messed about with something we shouldnt have the other night and we ended up having to sage out our apartment after some fucked up stuff happened this was on the advice of a medium.. We had to put holy water in all wall corners of the...
  11. W

    How much do you eat everyday?

    Hmmm.. Im just wondering about this... Like are you the type of person who hops off of food and never gains weight or the person who struggles to loose weight but eats nothing but healty stuff. Im not sure if I eat to much, my weight is grand but I also think I eat out of boredom. I seem to...
  12. W

    buckfast and a pain in yer stomach

    Anyone else get this? Havent drank it in months just got the worst pain in my stomach ever. Its not lovely at all... fucking hell.. Get rid of it... oh the pain...
  13. W

    When does the youngest stop being treated like the youngest!

    If anyone else is the youngest in their family will they please tell me if I will still be treated like the youngest when im say 26 or so. By this I mean having older siblings "teach" you things, like how to sweep the floor or to put a dish in the press. While they think they are "helping" im...
  14. W

    I should never teach english.

    I talk to this serbian guy on msnger and he was asking me why I was using shit as an objective one day.. So I explained to him that saying "the horse ran like shit" or something was usually grand. So im talking away to him there now and he's talking about school and he comes out with "Im...
  15. W

    I need a new not so decent ringtone.

    Ive just had normal ringing for the past few months I think its time for a change... I cant decide to put a really dumb one on for it like umm bop by Hanson or something a little more cooler like phyco killer by talking heads. Ive mainly been thinking about really stupid ones like Cascada...
  16. W

    How rotten is...

    "I wish i'd never met you" to hear, like is it crushingly bad or is it offensive at all...
  17. W

    Any of yee in szegit?

    Well? oh and one of these §§§§
  18. W

    Dates from hell..

    Oh lord... how could a chap be so simple. Met him through a friend, have completely nothing in common and he dressed like a skanger. I knew it was going to go all wrong from the minute we walked into the cinema, it was one of those old seated ones, with seperate seats and single seats. We...
  19. W

    Worst feelings in the world...

    So this is what I think are the shittest feelings in the world.. Feeling like your being laughed at. Un-requented love The death of some one close Hearing that your recent ex copped off with someone Being broken up with Hearing that something fun happened and you missed out...
  20. W

    Most disturbing music video you have ever seen,

    I seen slave to the Rythem by Grace Jones last night. I never want to see it again.