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  • Users: Flux
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  1. Flux

    did anyone go see Terry Hall dj in the Sugar Club?

    God it was shite.
  2. Flux

    Fancying Celebrities

    Not something that happens me usually, but I must say I am fierce attracted to Rachel McAdams.:o
  3. Flux

    Yr favourite Irish tunes of '07 so far

    Little Messy - Grand Pocket Orchestra Lend Me Your Face - Fight Like Apes Metal - The Terribles What are yours? I'm craving something catchy, been a shit week.
  4. Flux

    Joy Division runners. Nice, my Dinosaur Jr Nikes were getting a bit funky.
  5. Flux

    Mindbogglingly good TV show/ Film streaming site Well, there goes the month of April.:eek: Brass Eye Peep Show Garth Marengi's Darkplace The Mighty Boosh Trailer Park Boys Last King of Scotland Notes on a Scandal The Departed Pan's Labyrinth Family Guy Amazing really.
  6. Flux

    Slint "working on new material" About time, fellers, about time. :)
  7. Flux

    Thumped Dramas

    Have there been any major fights over the years? Another message board I post on has just been through a massive few weeks of backstabbing, suspicion, namecalling etc, I'm just wondering does it go on here? I haven't noticed it so far. !baggyyyy:mad:!bog
  8. Flux

    "The Silent City" (short film)

    It's amazing how far you can go these days on a low budget with a lot of know-how. Check out "The Silent City" by Ruairi Robinson. :eek: (features Cillian Murphy, about 7 mins long)
  9. Flux

    The Feeling

    !bog!baggyyyy!zed:confused: Good jaysus they're awful.
  10. Flux

    Changing a Myspace Music profile to private?

    Possible? There's nothing in the Privacy settings about it.
  11. Flux

    Angel Pier/ Cry Yuma / Glenwash - TBMC (Tonight) Thurs 15th Feb

    That's riot. Gates open 8pm, it's 7 ECUs in. Please have a listen to some samples of the bands' work @
  12. Flux

    Dinosaur Jr's new album

    First listen...sounds brilliant!.|..|
  13. Flux

    Surgeon Hacks off Man's Penis In Fit Of Rage :eek::eek::eek:
  14. Flux

    How Does One...

    ...change the bit of one's profile where it says "Senior Member" (or something) to the likes of "Prick"? :D Or is that a privilege that is only bestowed with X no. of posts?
  15. Flux

    Wee Flyer Cards?

    Say about 3" x 2" to leave lying around and/or harass people on the street with...anyone know where I can get 'em printed? How much are we talkin' for about 200?
  16. Flux

    Under The Radar

    In this thread, give exposure to IRISH bands/artists that are worthy of more attention than they are currently receiving. There's a lot of great musicians that may not be into their Myspace profiles or hanging around Thumped, but the fuckers are out there and need people to go to their gigs/buy...
  17. Flux

    Can't edit me posts

    What's that about?
  18. Flux

    Setting up a basic home studio

    My band is about to spend a whackload going into the studio, and I have a nagging feeling that I'd prefer to buy some recording equipment instead. On a budget of €3000, €4000, what's the best way to spend it? I have a laptop with Cubase and a Shure 57 so far. I'd like to still use Cubase, but...
  19. Flux

    Other Voices

    So who played it this year? Was it the same oul shite?
  20. Flux

    glenwash / story of hair / the terribles - crawdaddy sun 3rd dec

    (Unable to post in gig announcement's section for some reason...every time I try:rolleyes:) Hello all Just informing you about this gig we, Glenwash, are playing in Crawdaddy on Sunday night (3rd Dec). There are two very, very good support axe (it's actually more of a triple headliner, in...