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  • Users: GO
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  1. GO

    Dublin All Dayer

    I'm getting together.Venue is secured. Any bands want on the bill..hit me up. Anybody available to help in anyway..hit me up. Fucking distros..massage artists..I don't know..whatever the fuck the kids are into these days There'll be buckfast at the bar and punk rock all day with a lovely...
  2. GO

    Wu Tang Clans $5 million record

    Mental. The auction for Wu-Tang Clan's one-off $5 million record is live | Chart Attack
  3. GO


    This is a thread for and about cunts. Bonus points for any tales involving smelly cunts.
  4. GO

    I missed the dress

    Like...I was online the whole time..well ok..not the whole time I was doing stuff..but anyway..I come back and everybody is having a great laugh about this dress...which I don't understand. I feel like a fucking a retarded moron. So what gives?...also..something about Madonna at some gig...
  5. GO


    hahahaha..check out this dudes nose! ..and the terriblest music ever made! I don;t know if I can be a fan of fuck it.CLASS!
  6. GO

    A song about my phone!

    YAY! Its a Saturday night special!
  7. GO

    Put This On LOud And Fuck Off

    At least act like you fucking rock.
  8. GO

    Valentines Day gift for my girlfren

    its a slice of rock! ..sure the best gifts are homemade from the heart
  9. GO

    The Children Of The Night

    Fuck I'm gone mental.Made this just now. Monday morning meets Saturday NIght.
  10. GO

    The Cooking Thread

    Gonna try out a new recipe today..beef and leek stew.I like inventing dishes I'll let ya's know how it goes. Tell us what you're making for dinner
  11. GO

    RUSSIAN translation needed!

    FAO..@TedKaczynski; (@pete; can you sort out that tag please) Hulk Hogan posted this on his facebook Now I don't know.the intial aggressor to me looks like he has a learning disabilty..and this is staged. The lad with the camera is the real bully..thas my idea.But we need to know what...
  12. GO

    Need a pick me up?

    Diddly Doo!
  13. GO

    A song about a great restaurant

    Heres a song about a great restaurant!
  14. GO

    A little pop rocker

    Called Moonboy!
  15. GO

    Offered Various hi-fi and computer stuff

    Aiwa hi fi.Deadly yoke.Big 3 way speakers big sound. Sony hi-fi..grand yoke.Has remote control. PC..pentium D ..2 gig ram.PSU isnt the best but it works(can throw in a good psu).Currently has some flav of linux on it and a wireless wifi dongle,keyboard and mouse LG 19" DVI monitor.Really nice...
  16. GO

    Has anyone rooted their Android?

    I want to get rid of all the shite I don't use off my phone...Google + and hangouts and what have you. I hate the idea of unused junk on any device I own,but rooting seems to be the only way.Seema like it might be a bit sketchy though
  17. GO

    Thinking of going wireless

    Pain in me hoop with the wires on my mouse and keyboard on my studiobox. Are them wireless ones superfuckincool or a loadafuckingbollix?
  18. GO

    Groom at the christmas party.

    I don't think this has been said enough.But holy fuck..WHAT A BAND! Just thinking about the night.It was a beautiful night.Pete dosent look anything like I thought he did. I only caught the last half of them cos I was having a wee love in with Cinnamonboy. First time we ever met! Best band...
  19. GO

    My new rock type number

    I'm going hard at it again.Bursting with fucking ideas I am. Anyway...less talk more rock. Kim Fowley RIP.
  20. GO

    My first tune of 2015!

    I tell ya was hard going getting up off the couch after the christmas break. Almost forgot how to play me guitar.Rusty as FUCK. So I just said fuck it...lash a load of those type of licks you can always play together, and do something! So theres no wheels being reinvented this...