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  1. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm currently listening to bob dylan's 80s in chronological order - something of a challenge. Minor pleasure is that saved, shot of love and infidels are actually fairly decent. I'm currently on empire burlesque, this could become a minor complaint
  2. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    rosehip sauce is lovely..
  3. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I've just had a 5-6pm project meeting cancelled!! My future discounting primate brain is delighted... even though it fucks me in the future not to have gotten this done. its the freakin' weekend...
  4. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I remember those. Mad looking yokes. There was a spanish chestnut tree near us until recently (cut down - if I had known you at the time I would have said it to you for wood scavenging purposes).. Myself and the wife used to collect the windfall - lots of funny looks from people who had just...
  5. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    'chain mail hipster' an aidswank side project perhaps
  6. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    (m) was hoping for a sideways thumb!
  7. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I just replaced the 50w equivalent bulb above the bench in the shed with a 120w equivalent. The resident spiders probably feel like they’ve just been hit by a light blast from a nuclear test - but I can now actually see what I’m working on
  8. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I could hire myself out as a drunk arsehole hitting on your wife/sister/daughter to complete the pub vibe…
  9. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    fierce uneven footpaths of Griffith ave ;-)
  10. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    a few fancy beers and telly is the extend of my home drinking wants... and if the missus is out I'll break out a a guitar. (also potentially move to the 'you know you're getting old' thread)
  11. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Finally back on the board where it belongs, my beloved ggg ea tremolo. Should I ever be considered to have had a ‘sound’ over the years, this was central to it. A repair job revealed that the reason the depth knob wasn’t very effective was it was the wrong value(10x smaller than it should be). A...
  12. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Digging out the old Lego with the young lad down in my dads. -mid 80s castle Lego ftw. Never mind your Star Wars shite
  13. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    3 of the axes are actually a very specialised plane blade?
  14. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Protest outside. Was around 2006 when stringfellows opened, used to drive round the block with the rosary blasting from speakers
  15. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Ah these were a particular class of catholics. That merc used to picket stripclubs about 15 years back - I have a photo of it somewhere
  16. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    take it to the DIY guitar thread. we need some water in there amongst all the woodwork
  17. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    managed to spend time with both (separated) parents this weekend (separately). no fights or other weirdness. result
  18. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    some bint in a BMW pulls onto the wrong lane of the NCR in order to dodge to the top of a que of traffic. little did she cop that the bluebottles were two cars behind her. car chase!
  19. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    whos that?
  20. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    theres so much music out there to discover. and only about 75% of it is utter shite. its always nice to stumble across something new (to me).