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  1. Boobee

    Talk about your dreams

    I know what you mean by the first one. The way I experience it is like someone is sitting on my legs. Then I feel an awful sense of dread and a nefarious presence (i.e. ghost). When I try to move I'm totally paralysed and the more terrified I become the less paralysed I am. As soon as I can move...
  2. Boobee

    Talk about your dreams

    My kid can do this. I remember one dream where I was aware I was dreaming. It wasnt an interestj g dream, I was walking around a town I lived in for a few years but I was able to decide which streets to walk down.
  3. Boobee

    Talk about your dreams

    Yea, similar, but less of the pottering about. I've found myself totally disorientated in the hall loads of times so I was probably on my way to potter about but came to beforehand hahaha. I had the usual night terrors as a kid and from what I'm told I was acting totally terrified but then would...
  4. Boobee

    Talk about your dreams

    My dreams are usually a bizarre mashup of stuff over the days prior. I've been known to sleepwalk, talk and shout, and I went through a phase of trying to dig through the mattress to save my kid. Or so I've been told, I don't actually remember when it happens. I'm usually under horrible stress...
  5. Boobee

    Is there any sort of market for hi-fi separates?

    I'm in the market for an amp, so I'm interested to hear more about these amps needing new homes! Will be rehoming a Technics integrated amp/tuner/double tape deck when I get a new (or at least new to me) amp. Can send on photos if anyone happens to be interested
  6. Boobee

    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    YES! People say that all the time. Years and years ago my friend and I had this epiphany and it felt like the universe had revealed all its secrets to us, and us alone. We were absolutely not sober at the time but wow what a revelation.
  7. Boobee

    The "I didn't know they were a couple", thread

    A promoted tweet on my feed: Clicking into it probably unleashes viruses, but you guys probably know that already.
  8. Boobee

    Minor Pleasures

    19 Crimes is delicious! We tried The Banished last weekend, glad we only bought one bottle because its very easy to drink...
  9. Boobee

    Ads you HATE!!

    The way the parents remain so calm throughout the pestering fucks me right off. They could at least try and act like real parents for fuck's sake
  10. Boobee

    Minor complaints thread

    Had my annual GDPR training last week. Usually the training people just lash together an online training but this year, due to monumental breaches of very sensitive information, the training was on MS Teams. With 'breakout rooms' for group exercises, for added craic.
  11. Boobee

    dan brown, dan brown, so bad i read it twice

    I have never agreed with anything more in my life, such utter bollocks. (Would have given you the hero emoji but I'm not cool enough to have that one, soz.)
  12. Boobee

    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    Humble. Anyone who says they are 'humble' on social media is usually a vacuous, attention-seeking, wannabe celebrity. Fucking dickheads!
  13. Boobee

    I did not know it was a cover!

    Totally passed me by...
  14. Boobee

    US Election 2020

  15. Boobee

    Recently Purchased

    This: Then this, on foot of above:
  16. Boobee

    Minor complaints thread

    I hope you're still at least in your jammies to make it somewhat bearable
  17. Boobee

    Minor complaints thread

    Good for you, such discipline! I made myself go to the office because I knew I would do everything but work if I didn't. Currently sifting through 875367 emails while drinking lukewarm maxwell house with questionable milk. Such fun.
  18. Boobee

    Minor complaints thread

    Back to work after two weeks off. I hate everything.
  19. Boobee

    Ads you HATE!!

    No screeeeeeeeeeeeeens at the taaayyyyybbbuull 🤯
  20. Boobee

    Leo Varadkar
