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  1. hermie

    Celebrity Creeps Thread
  2. hermie


    I'm obviously a philistine but why on earth would you need an expensive grinder? I think the one I have cost about 30 quid.
  3. hermie

    Teeth: Enter At Your Own Risk

    Yes! Always hated the barber more than the dentist.
  4. hermie

    Teeth: Enter At Your Own Risk

    Perfect teeth are way overrated. Compare David Bowie before/after he got his teeth done.
  5. hermie

    Film chat

    Nashville is rubbish! Although he seems to like American Graffiti which I wouldn't be a fan of. He couldn't be more correct though in how Jaws stands up compared with Close Encounters.
  6. hermie

    The Uninhabitable Ireland

    Especially in this kind of weather where it's horrible to be stuck in a car and lovely to be on the bike.
  7. hermie

    Major Complaints Thread

    My auld lad retired in April, has been loving putting his feet up since then. Left the house for the first time last week (apart from going for a short walk or cycle) and broke his kneecap coming out of a shop.
  8. hermie

    Building a music shed

    Definitely keep us abreast on proceedings!
  9. hermie

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Cummings said he didn't stop. Admittedly I was comparing one article about Leo with Cummings' own words which is probably unfair. But I stick by my original point which in that I don't think that one is so clearly a sackable offence while the other is a non-story.
  10. hermie

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    But potentially Leo was worse if, as reported, he wasn't distancing properly from his mates and by contributing to the throngs in the Phoenix Park. Cummings by his own accounts only saw his own family and wasn't out in public. Look I don't really give a fuck either but I the partyline appears to...
  11. hermie

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    And Dominic Cummings just went to an isolated place to isolate. In and of itself it's not a cardinal sin but you want the people telling you what to do to be paragons of virtue in this regard. Otherwise half the country will be thinking "well if he can do that, I can at least to this" and so on.
  12. hermie

    Happy Birthday, _Katie_

    Happy birthday, hope it's a good one!
  13. hermie

    You know you're getting old....

    I always said I was going to set up a Pol Pot Noodle cart outside that place.
  14. hermie

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Ah FFS, seriously?
  15. hermie

    You know you're getting old....
  16. hermie

    The Uninhabitable Ireland
  17. hermie

    You know you're getting old....

    Another lad swears he had a Mary Christmas. I'm not sure if I believed him but it is possible.
  18. hermie

    Thread for helping out local business, if you've a spare sheckle

    Craft Central deliveries have gone from ridiculously quick to quite slow recently. The Big Romance are also delivering by the case if you're on the north side.
  19. hermie

    Thread for helping out local business, if you've a spare sheckle

    The Four Provinces are also doing deliveries I believe. Expect delays from all of them though.
  20. hermie

    You know you're getting old....

    Used to work in a call centre, had a colleague who was speaking to a Mr Weedick. She tried to say 'Weddick' but he corrected her; "no, no, I'm Weedick". Had some good one myself. A Dr D'eath. Someone who lived in Dicks Grove.