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  • Users: killy kill
  • Content: Threads
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  1. killy kill

    Audio track interface

    Can anyone give me some good resources on finding a CHEAP audio track's for someone else and i don't have a clue where to start
  2. killy kill

    New Mars Volta and everything

    Alright, put this in the download thread but i think it merits a thread of its own so....
  3. killy kill

    Oxbow DVD?

    This has been out a while in the states and hydrahead are meant to distribute over here but i can't find a release date.Can anyone help?
  4. killy kill

    Berlin happenings

    Anyone(Tom.?) know of gigs happening in Berlin between the 13th-17th July?
  5. killy kill

    Rep question

    For some reason i can't rep certain people, it comes up as 'must spread more rep etc...Can anyone help?
  6. killy kill

    Guitar combo help

    This probably ain't the place for this but....Allright,so i'm buying a guitar/practice amp/dist-pedal combo for practice at home and i need advice.I'm thinking an Epiphone sg for the guitar;comfortable,bit of low end,decent quality and a mini-marshall amp with a generic Boss distortion...
  7. killy kill

    Listen to this...

    Heard these guys the other night listen to the 2nd song,fucking brilliant
  8. killy kill

    Crud towns in Ireland

    People dissin' Letterkenny in the hawtorne heights thread got me thinking,what does anyone think is the worst town in ireland?Athlone?Longford?Please reply with stories about about fighting,dodgy sex,21st's in G.A.A halls etc.
  9. killy kill

    Moving to Berlin

    Thinking of giving Berlin a shot for a change of life.anyone know anything about making a start there in terms of work,benefits,rent or know anyone who made the leap and survived without having to join the sex-workers union.Cheers
  10. killy kill

    The Wipers appreciation thread

    Dunno if anyone gives a fuck but i can't stop listening to this band.The music could easily be dismissed as too simple or straightforward but i think it's mad powerful...opinions?
  11. killy kill

    YSI threads?

    Anyone know of any decent YSI threads in other punk/hardcore forums...sick of bittorrent
  12. killy kill


    Alright this has probably been covered many a time but would anyone here be able to give me guidelines on how to start recording my own band at home.I'm starting completely from scratch,with no first hand knowledge or gear
  13. killy kill


    Would anyone running a fanzine,throw up their snail mail address and i'll send ye a demo by my band
  14. killy kill


    Heavy punk n'roll band from cork looking for gigs in dublin,galway,belfast etc
  15. killy kill


    Wots up, internet nerds.How would a stooges meets stanford prison experiment type band from cork get gigs in dublin