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  1. M

    Minor Pleasures

    it's that good, yeah?
  2. M


    just out of curiosity, i checked strava for a popular segment - the climb from howth village to the summit pub. i'm 615th out of nearly 9k cyclists who have had a go; but my time would have me in 6th (out of 800) if i was a woman. interesting to note that men to women ratio on its own - more...
  3. M

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    i remember being briefly obsessed with this when i was a kid.
  4. M

    Minor complaints thread

    you're in the saw doctors?
  5. M

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm sure it would be nice to also get some of the money the streaming services are charging for access to that enjoyment?
  6. M

    People Who Died

    Who's 27 right now?
  7. M

    People Who Died

    i suspect your memory of 1971 just doesn't quite gel with what 1971 actually felt like to live at the time.
  8. M

    People Who Died

    when i heard 'shifty shellshock from crazy town has died' i genuinely thought at first it might be this guy.
  9. M

    Major Complaints Thread

    My wife knows what a keyboard cleaning dispenser is (I don't) and has done the same as you...
  10. M


    Playing catch up in style
  11. M

    General Election 2025

    He has his dad for that. Parachuted as a complete nobody into a safe seat. Caused at least one long term party member (who has probably good reason to think they had the next shot) to leave the party.
  12. M

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    minor bit of confusion there; there was a letter for me for an unpaid parking fine, from louth county council. i can't tell you the last time i parked anywhere in louth. so i rang - to say 'i haven't been in Ardee in years'. quickly sorted; they had a photo and had noted 12D12345 down, when the...
  13. M


    the court staff are unhappy about that - they're separate from the judiciary, and are doing a justifiable 'don't pin this on us'; though i can understand the pride organisers getting cold feet over it.
  14. M

    Swimming lessons

    is it your breathing technique? that'd strike me as the most obvious thing that someone already fit could lose out on. (i know little about swimming)
  15. M


    sorry, i got that wrong. it was not four points and three points, respectively. it was a four year and a three year ban, respectively. found the article about the lad on the e-scooter (paywalled). the other is harder to find, weirdly - it was the same journalist who reported on it...
  16. M


    my usual go-to example about inconsistency in the courts in ireland was a sitting of the district court in balbriggan last year - so same court, same day, same judge. one lad in front of the court had been stopped on an e-scooter (he claimed he was walking alongside it) and got 4 penalty points...
  17. M

    People Who Died

    i love all ireland final day; best day in ireland to go out for a cycle. you usually get good weather, and the roads are empty.
  18. M


    he grabbed her by the hair and puched her; i've read that this was a sign that he knew how to maximise the effectiveness of a punch, as it limits the ability of the head to whip back, mitigating some of the force of the blow. i.e. it's a way to ensure you deliver as much energy from your fist as...
  19. M


    has there been an upswing in violence in the last few years? the press is awash with stories of ireland being awash with coke; and you'd wonder if that's playing a part in cases like this.
  20. M

    General Election 2025

    Jack chambers is minister for finance. Proper wtaf moment.