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  1. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    focking hell. just got this from primavera head quarters: never again will i entrust my money to such bollockology. at least they're nice enough to get back to me though. how on earth did they expect ot refund the cards in the unlikely event that the system worked? faith and some self sealing...
  2. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    it's a TRAAAP! it was a total lol at the ray ban stage waiting by the bar during big boi as all the workers had a team huddle and suddenly produced cash registers. i think i bought 4 beers and drank 3 in very quick succession.
  3. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    these aren't the beers you're looking for. move along.
  4. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    it was up in the weeks leading up to the festival. i like a mug complied, linked my bank card to the primavera card, shelled out 100 bones and then walked onsite with the whole system in dissarray. i still had a blast, but it is just really really galling that they have been such morons for...
  5. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    i seriously doubt it. they said the portal site would be back up for refunds after the festival but i reckon they won't bother now.
  6. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    i lost 60 quid on that cocking card.
  7. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    hmm. yeah i've got the same transactions 0.00 reservation auditori. i've got two cos i entered for both days. looks like we didn't get in. "Once the application period has finished there will be a draw of the available tickets among all the applicants. The applicants who get a ticket will be...
  8. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    oh fuck!!!! did not think about that.
  9. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    what. the. cock. can't send money to me account so can't enter the raffle. charging 2 euro is a bit shit in fairness.
  10. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    drink cards? what a balls.
  11. theoootini

    unique diy synth stolen - please have a look.

    MORTO. it turned up in the head masters desk. he/she forgot they put it away. eek.
  12. theoootini

    unique diy synth stolen - please have a look.

    hah. stoopid junkies!
  13. theoootini

    unique diy synth stolen - please have a look.

    lulz. he sure is. the little tyke.
  14. theoootini

    unique diy synth stolen - please have a look.

    i lent my little 10 year cousin a synth i built for a school project he was doing about techno (i know right -.|..|). he accidentally left it in the school and it was swiped over easter. he's really gutted that it was stolen and so am i. it's not worth much to anyone but me really. it's a...
  15. theoootini

    Recommendations for Primavera

    blondes been mentioned yet? not long now!
  16. theoootini

    Affordable Monitors thread

    bonus sitting down possibilities too.
  17. theoootini

    Affordable Monitors thread

  18. theoootini

    Affordable Monitors thread

    i'm only a messer anyway so it doesn't really matter i guess. this is pretty much what my room is like with big heavy curtins at the back wall.
  19. theoootini

    Affordable Monitors thread

    would i be wrong in thinking that if you mix at a fairly low level, have the basics of room placement ok there's no need for any of that mess?