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  • Users: ernesto
  • Content: Threads
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  1. ernesto

    Tiger 10.4 Disc

    anyone got a copy of the install dvd / dvd-r floatin about? girlfriend got an ibook running panther 10.3 and i can't find my tiger disc anywhere. tried upgrading hers using my mates recent-ish ibook install disc but its specific only to that machine or CPU speed. anyway, if someone could...
  2. ernesto

    Guy on Yips

    lad downstairs, clearly fucd off his nut. someone brought him back coz there was a 'party'. by party its consisting of my mates and my brothers. should i lock up my silverware or tell him to bugger off. not anti drugs but its not that type of party. either way....wait, shold this be in teh wet...
  3. ernesto

    FAO: U:M so who is it? tempted to get a gossip ticket at the weekend.
  4. ernesto

    What USB Wireless Adaptors Are Compatible With iBooks?

    yo, need a bit of advice. girlfriend just bought a 2nd hand 14" iBook. it hasn't got an Airport / Airport Extreme card built-in. what USB wifi adaptors will work with the iBook and connect to my Airport Network and are under 50 euro or so? Cheers, Aaron
  5. ernesto

    Cubase SX 2 Problem

    downloaded it. need a 'dongle' anyone know of a crack or patch for it? mac os x 10.4 .|..|
  6. ernesto

    Cubase SX 2 problem

    downloaded it. need a 'dongle' anyone know of a crack or patch for it? mac os x 10.4 .|..|
  7. ernesto

    30 emails of event reminders.

    30 emails recieved. from bout 12.00 last night till bout 30 minutes ago. Event reminders to be exact. stop spamming me Pete ye bastard!
  8. ernesto

    Allergy to Yeast.. fuckin crap.

    ive been havin stomach problems since October and have been to the Doc a few times and its resulted in him tryin to send me to a specialist for an appointment that never materielized. i even suggested an allergy test to confirm that its not my diet and he dismissed it. typical irish 'im goin to...
  9. ernesto

    Koppergerg In Cans?

    anyone know where in the dublin area can i find these babies in can form? bringin that many bottles to Laois at the weekend just isnt feasible. also, cans are cheaper. anywher in Dublin city cente or west dublin perhaps? Thanks, Aaron
  10. ernesto

    Super Furry Animals @ Electric Picnic. 2 shows!

    just in case any Electric Picnic goers didnt know. theyre playing an acoustic 'bingo' set on saturday afternoon aswell. they pick a numbered ball out of a hat. and each ball represents a song. then they play it acoustic. deadly!
  11. ernesto

    Anyone have a spare Flaming Lips ticket?

    turns out my bro didnt get one. hes a big fan. saturday or sunday, PM me please. Thanks
  12. ernesto

    Hostel - The Film

    dont waste your time. biggest pile of mickeys i have seen in a long time.
  13. ernesto

    Badly Drawn Boy. Sept 11th. @ The Village

    someone may have posted this up already, not sure. tickets 23 euro. not bad. anyone know when they go on sale?
  14. ernesto

    Garageband Problem

    Hey, for some reason when i try open Garageband these days, it just shows the 'Initializing Garageband' loading window thing but then after 40secs or so, i just get an error message 'Garageband Unexpectedly quit' for some reason. and it gives me 3 options: Quit ReOpen App (doesnt work) Try Again...
  15. ernesto

    airport express network problems

    it worked fine up until recently for no apparrent reason. basically, my powerbook upstairs cant see this mac mini downstairs & vice versa. theyre both connected to an airport express . this is annoying as i cant transfer anything. help anyone? Will?
  16. ernesto

    Hot Chip Confirmed for Electric Picnic

    Hurray!! i didnt know about them until after last years Electric Picnic. then i really got into the album. and i love it and regretted not goin to see them. fucking delighted theyre playing. !!!!!
  17. ernesto

    Super Furry Animals at Electric Picnic 2006 :heart:.|..|
  18. ernesto

    Architecture In Helsinki May 14th - The Village hurray. tickets not on sale yet though
  19. ernesto

    Online Sheep Sequencer!!!

    this is hilarious fun!!! go here:
  20. ernesto

    Cadbury's Creme Egg Bar

    that's right......BAR!! like a cadburys caramel only its obviously filled with that lovely gooey white/yellowish shit instead of caramel. fuckin savage anyone else had one of these yet?