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  1. rettucs

    Your work situation

    2 days into a new job. It's always kind of daunting but this isn't as bad as I'd feared. They seem a really nice bunch so that helps. Plus, I'm back working in town. So happy about that.
  2. rettucs

    Your work situation

    things had been going to hell in my job since december. In january I asked if I could take a redundancy (10 years in the job). Was told there was no chance. End of february rolls around and I get called to an unscheduled meeting with my boss. Cha-ching, redundancy approved. 3 from about 15 of...
  3. rettucs

    Your work situation

    asked for a redundancy this morning doesn't look like I'll get it though too valuable or some other bullshit excuse
  4. rettucs

    Your work situation

    update, they've decided to keep us for another while (just heard this in a meeting this morning) but, at least, triple our workload. Pack of cunts. I reckon it's bought us another year. I'd have happily taken the cheque and gone now.
  5. rettucs

    Your work situation

    Loads of shite happening in my place at the moment. Loads of lads we work with in China have been axed, a few in America gone, a good few kicked sideways into other jobs they don't want, and the rest of us waiting to hear. So it's either redundancy in January (which I would cautiously welcome)...