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  1. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    ^^^ Everyone note - That's Boris Johnson's sister writing that ^^^^
  2. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    As a set of allegations it looks like a lot of consensual sex with allegations added on - the worse ones being the least actually proven and presented as rumour. Casting couch always requires two people to be there by choice. Every actor on earth has boundaries over what level of nudity they...
  3. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Was all the sex with consenting adult women though? Because it kinda looks that way? Because i think that is legal.
  4. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    It'd be pretty bittersweet if you were a fan
  5. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    You'd think like. He basically got to be spoilt child for most of his prime years while his brother did all the art - it was basically his job to be adored and rich. That usually goes great as we know.
  6. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    They actually were in and around the underground scene for years before they became too sexy - more the reason they should have some sense.
  7. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Yeah I suppose what I think about him is that with right said fred, it's men who are old enough to respect expertise, soccer players are spiolt naive brats living in bubbles unless they are marcus rashford so I think he's more of a naive kid than and actual anti-vaxxer, but you are right, you...
  8. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    He wasn't specifically anti vax - more he'd had rona twice which is the same..
  9. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    R Kelly finally got busted too
  10. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    My work acc got completely out of the blue PR mails about how much of a non thing all these accusations are a few weeks back. Then there was some shit about him saving a puppy or something recently, now its like 'no really who IS the prime brit peado' with this tv shit. Like in fairness, it's...
  11. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    The royals, who like it or not can tell the beeb to stick wasps up thier noses and they'll do it are on a bit of push to rehabilitate that creepy epstieny one whatever his name is. My spidey sense says this is essentially the reason for this shit however it is presented.
  12. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    That pic where they are at the doorway - they look really similar. You get that with couples sometimes, like people just find the other half of themselves. Is probably just a lust gig though
  13. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Gript is such conjecture, when i see people sharing it it's like an indicator for definitley spending too much time in the youtube fantasy world. Handy for that i suppose.
  14. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  15. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Maybe tomorrow.
  16. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I don't know BUT My thoughts are Journos are going to slowly rally round him a bit in a slow avalanche kinda way when they start thinking of themselves aged 78 getting cancelled out of work after a 50+ year career and there will be (along with the tweets posted here already) a slow redemption...
  17. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    On monday night on RTE 1
  18. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I kinda think the sock puppeting is well over the line for a national 'paper of record' Journalist long before the personal attacks on women. He's not a young man, mighta taken a hit for the team here.
  19. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  20. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Fucking new it.