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  1. AnarchoBob

    some people eh?

    Fuck sake, have they been living under a rock?!
  2. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Ah that is perfect info! At least got the consolation of Berlin being slightly warmer than here.
  3. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Big into my WW2 history so will check out Wedding. But how cold is it? Because I know here in Warsaw is just too fucking cold, but it would be good to have an idea just to know what to pack.
  4. AnarchoBob

    Punk films

    Ahahah UKDK is always source of untold entertainment. What a bunch of eejits 80% on th people on it are.
  5. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

  6. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Ah I am experiencing ex-Soviet bloc Eastern European cold, Kopi can't be worse.
  7. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Fuck, didn't think about that! I remember Kev Bones saying that Kopi was quite good, but for some reason I was under the impression it had been evicted. Was I horribly lied to and misled?
  8. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    This would have been very good advice a year and a half ago. Even though I probably would have drank all my money before getting to Berlin. Anyway, cheers, will try to use the TV tower as indicative of the city centre. Just don't want to spend more than 12 euros a night for a bloody hostel.
  9. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Now I have another question. Specifically found a hostel for quite cheap on Spandauer Damm which is in the Charlottenburg area. How far away from the city centre is it? Because I tried on google maps to see from there to the Reichstag and Brandeburg Gate and it tells me 15 minutes, but no idea...
  10. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Ah fuck, that Yellow Sunshine looks deadly. But will defo check out Wagen Burger if I'm going around there to the Bis Auf Messer shop.
  11. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Yeah, Reichstag is going to be one of the main things we'll go and see. Luckly with the rest of the pople we'll do all the touristy stuff so that is not a problem. But given the fact none of them are really into my sort of stuff I'll be limited with what I can see. Which means I'll have to be...
  12. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Fuck yeah! It sounds awsome! Where is this Voner place?
  13. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    That sounds/looks class! Might even propose it to the rest of the group. But yeah, was definitely thinking of dropping by Bis Auf's Messer while I am there, even if only during a break from sightseeing with the others.
  14. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Will certainly suggest the walking tour to the group as well, pretty sure they'd be interested in something like that too. But defo will check out Kreuzberg as everyone says it's class, if it then also has good record/book shops I'll have to go. Cheers for the info so far! All really useful stuff.
  15. AnarchoBob

    Berlin 'day trip' help

    Basically with a group of friends I'm going to go to Berlin for the celebrations of the 20 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. So going to be there from the 6th to the 9th. I have never been to Berlin and to be honest there is literally too much stuff on the net. So I was wondering if people...
  16. AnarchoBob

    Evil but funny

    Ahahahah holy shit! Amazing! Nearly as good as the other one I heard, but better.
  17. AnarchoBob


    This looks so good. Really wish I could have been there for this.
  18. AnarchoBob

    Ian Glaspers "trapped in a scene book" and CD

    Ok, I am going to order a couple of books by the week-end. However I have a question, mainly aimed at people that have already given a go at both 'Burning fight' (the 90s hardcore book) and this. And the question is: which one should I go for first? Is either one of the two better than the other?
  19. AnarchoBob

    A friend in need is a friend indeed... Can you help?

    Very good point.
  20. AnarchoBob

    A friend in need is a friend indeed... Can you help?

    All I know that when travelling from another EU country they do not check your documents i RoI airports but they check your documents if you arrive in a UK airport from EU countries.