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  • Users: jonah
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  1. jonah

    Sexism, god help us

    So my thoughts on this is that men often witness or participate in "small" aggressions against women, sexist jokes, catcalling, not leaving girls the fuck alone in public, guys making shitty comments about girls when they're out, etc. These are not the same as killing a woman on a canal, but...
  2. jonah

    Sexism, god help us

    I'm feeling very down about everything that's happening myself. I have some life experiences that make things like this feel kind of retraumatizing, but also since having a baby girl, I feel so sad that I'm going to have to talk to her about this as a child. All of the women I know are talking...
  3. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

  4. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    but also this a lot. I work from home and the baby is in the house and its still the worst.
  5. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Septic tanks - yanks :whistle: my apologies to the americans here.
  6. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Back to work after ten months on leave. Its... not good. Everything is trivial. Seppos are ruining my life. Send good coffee (which I can't drink anyway because I'm breastfeeding).
  7. jonah

    My child is doing my fucking head in

    Also curious when we will be done with the monk hair look. She's like robocop when he takes off the helmet.
  8. jonah

    My child is doing my fucking head in

    Couldn't share the timelapse of monitor footage of baby doing rolls and in downward dog but you can use your imagination....12am..1am...1.45...3...5...
  9. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Buying a house and I swear every fucking thing that could go wrong or cause a delay has happened and I just want my damned shit shack in the country so I can abandon everyone I know and plant a carrot or some nonsense.
  10. jonah

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Watching squid games too. I watch a lot of Korean movies and shows and the English dialogue and actors are always awful. Can't comment in it yet because only on episode one but pretty fucking delighted to see Gong Yoo of Train to Busan and hottest man ever fame is in it 🌶️🌶️🌶️🥵🥵🥵🥵
  11. jonah

    Major Pleasures

    Baba turned six months yesterday. I feel like I've survived an apocalypse.
  12. jonah

    Random Photos

  13. jonah

    Your work situation

    In my last conference call before I went on maternity leave, my boss demanded on a "fancy dress" theme, proceeded to be the only one who dressed up and left camera on. He dressed in dickensian wear. One of my colleagues forgot to mute their mic and said to his wife who asked when he wanted...
  14. jonah

    Women's clothes

    I think it's really sweet, but yes often goes wrong. Second the gift receipt and not being offended if she exchanges but think it shows a lot of thought went into it. Especially if you've thought about what features she likes on herself/dresses to accentuate. My SO bought me a dress I'd spent...
  15. jonah

    Women's clothes

    agreed! luxury shit I wouldn't pay for for myself on the reg, like nice makeup, skincare, etc.
  16. jonah

    Women's clothes

    or this kinda buzz -...
  17. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh thats this lad - Home I've used him too but he charged me an arm and a leg. He's still on Dame Lane!
  18. jonah

    Women's clothes

    Maybe something like this one? neckline is higher, not quite bare shoulders, but def emphasizes the shoulders and has a nice flippy style skirt...
  19. jonah

    Minor complaints thread

    So I got both of my main workhorses (bronica etrsi + two lenses, and a canon ae1 with one lens) repaired, serviced. Both needed parts, and I paid like 300 in total. I think for a cleaning and service it would probably only be around 50, but the guy would definitely give you a quote. He's fairly...
  20. jonah

    Women's clothes

    Ooh whats her style like? I like some of these brands: