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  • Users: corksongs
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  1. corksongs

    FREE NIGHT CLUB - Garlic, Chips And Cheese & Bluetooth Phone Fun

    GARLIC, CHIPS & CHEESE Friday 12th - 11pm - The Pavilion, Careys Lane maybe it's 200 calories but it's calories of good times a minute on the lips a whole night wiggling you hips Remember when nightclubs were fun? Not in a post-ironic way just enjoying tunes with your buddies Remember when...
  2. corksongs

    FREE NIGHT CLUB - Garlic, Chips And Cheese & Bluetooth Phone Fun

    GARLIC, CHIPS & CHEESE Friday 12th - 11pm - The Pavilion, Careys Lane maybe it's 200 calories but it's calories of good times a minute on the lips a whole night wiggling you hips Remember when it was just fun to go out? This isn't post ironic, it's just playing records that make people dance...
  3. corksongs

    L'Homme du Large with Live score by Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh

    Sat 6th | 8pm St. Fin Barres Cathedral Admission: €15 / €12 conc L'Homme du large, Marcel L'Herbier's first great film, offers an extraordinarily compelling portrayal of the forces of good and evil that motivate human behaviour. The harsh Brittany coast provides an appropriate setting for this...
  4. corksongs

    L'Homme du Large with Live score by Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh

    Sat 6th | 8pm St. Fin Barres Cathedral Admission: €15 / €12 conc L'Homme du large, Marcel L'Herbier's first great film, offers an extraordinarily compelling portrayal of the forces of good and evil that motivate human behaviour. The harsh Brittany coast provides an appropriate setting for this...
  5. corksongs

    Man With Movie Camera w/ live soundtrack by Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague)

    The 21st Cork French Film Festival present Man With A Movie Camera Thurs 4th March | 9pm The Pavilion Admission: €12 / €10 conc Live Soundtrack by Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague) Not merely a cinematic portrait of a day in the life of a city, cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera...
  6. corksongs

    Man With Movie Camera w/ live soundtrack by Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague)

    The 21st Cork French Film Festival present Man With A Movie Camera Thurs 4th March | 9pm The Pavilion Admission: €12 / €10 conc Live Soundtrack by Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague) Not merely a cinematic portrait of a day in the life of a city, cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera...
  7. corksongs

    Man With A Movie Camera: Live Soundtrack by Marc Collin/Nouvelle Vague

    The 21st Cork French Film Festival present Man With A Movie Camera Thurs 4th March | 9pm The Pavilion Admission: €12 / €10 conc Live Soundtrack by Marc Collin (Nouvelle Vague) Not merely a cinematic portrait of a day in the life of a city, cinema pioneer Dziga Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera...
  8. corksongs

    gig swap

    heya one of my many guises is a solo act i've a gig coming up on wed 21 april in cork, if anyone here fancies a gig swap let me know there's not a fortune in it, but it'd cover the cose of the cheap train and a few beers, and i've a nice couch there's a few posters here who will testify...
  9. corksongs

    A Room Full Of Tuneful 7 feat She Keeps Bees

    A Room Full Of Tuneful 7 featuring She Keeps Bees A Free Gig Brought To You By Prime:Time & Corksongs At Cyprus Avenue, Caroline Street Tuesday 9 Feb ----------------- Headline act She Keeps Bees, a great band from New York (aren’t they all) who are making serious waves whenever they play...
  10. corksongs

    nokia help

    heya i've a nokia e71 and i imagine it's the same trick for other nokias with full qwerty keypads up to a few days ago when i was just on the standard home screen and i started pressing letters for instance JOH, all the names in my phone book that contained the name JOHN very handy...
  11. corksongs

    Under Cover

    heya i'm trying out a new night called Under Cover, where I only play records that are cover versions it'll be starting about half nine, tomorrow Fri 17 July, in Courtyard Bar (next to Cubins) which is in Cork free in, so if you fancy trying out a new watering hole call on down if you've any...
  12. corksongs

    corksongs wins thumped cup, world barely notices

    a tough season all round, plenty of twists and turns i would like to accept my trophy with humility and grace, but that is very unlike me now off for close season rest in Barcelona & Primavera if any of you are there I'll be in some sort of arab strap t-shirt throughout the festival...
  13. corksongs

    people in dublinwho like free beer and music puns

    Heya, coming up on Thurs 19 Feb to do my Ringo Music Bingo game in Bernard Shaw - starts at 8pm. Each game lasts about 30 ish mins be nice to meet some thumped people I,ve not met yet, introduce yerself if you do come along. Ringo Music Bingo - 8pm Free To Play and you win free prizes - a...
  14. corksongs

    adios silver jews

    a pity, taken from Hello, my friend. Cassie and I went to the cave and it looks great. 58 degrees but the humidity makes it feel like 72. I'm just going to play fifteen songs. My fifteen favorite ones...
  15. corksongs

    Any Thumped Users Like Music Intro And Puns & cork accents & have no plans tamara

    hey everyone I post a lot here plugging my antics in Cork, but completely forgot to post this here. I'm doing my Ringo Music Bingo Game in dublin in 18 hours time. here is all the info, if you wanna pop in I promise you nothing remotely cool but 100% comedic fun here is all the info from our...
  16. corksongs

    Alisdair Roberts (Drag City) - Wed 22 Oct - The Whiskey, Cork

    corksongs.nets presents Alasdair Roberts (Drag City Records) Wed 22 Oct - The Whisky Bar, Union Quay Doors 9pm - Admission €8, presales available from plug'd records (no extra booking fee) limited capacity with support Flor Rahilly & Eoin Jordan - Two of the longer neck's of the ceili...
  17. corksongs

    Alisdair Roberts (Drag City) - Wed 22 Oct - The Whiskey

    corksongs.nets presents Alasdair Roberts (Drag City Records) Wed 22 Oct - The Whisky Bar, Union Quay Doors 9pm - Admission €8, presales available from plug'd records (no extra booking fee) limited capacity with support Flor Rahilly & Eoin Jordan - Two of the longer neck's of the ceili...
  18. corksongs

    Found Magazine - Cork - Fri 10 Oct comes to Cork on Fri 10 Oct, yee ha "We collect FOUND stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids' homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, telephone bills, doodles - anything that gives a glimpse into someone else's life. Anything goes..." They will be in...
  19. corksongs

    Default A Room Full Of Tuneful - The Pavilion - Sun 28 Sept presents A Room Full Of Tuneful 7 Sun 28 Sept - 9pm - €8 Free Trad Session Downstairs from 6-ish If mixtapes were a live event this would be it. A celebration of music, both live and recorded. “Make the most of your Sundays and the rest of the week will take care of itself”...
  20. corksongs

    A Room Full Of Tuneful - The Pavilion - Sun 28 Sept presents A Room Full Of Tuneful 7 Sun 28 Sept - 9pm - €8 Free Trad Session Downstairs from 6-ish If mixtapes were a live event this would be it. A celebration of music, both live and recorded. “Make the most of your Sundays and the rest of the week will take care of itself”...