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  • Users: Decy
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  1. Decy


    Unfortunately, the Tragedy gig won't be happening.
  2. Decy


    Those lovely jigsaw posters by look at her deadly stuff.
  3. Decy


    Two gigs, one thread! The Key and the Gate presents RISING RITES + 1 TBC Friday 8th June - Fred Zeppelins Doors: 9pm - Admission: €6 Facebook event page. RISING is a Copenhagen three-piece creating and performing their own brand of heavy, aggressive, atmospheric, yet melodic...
  4. Decy

    Hagridden (NL) & Found on the Floor Plugd Records, Cork

    Hagridden - Fast, shouty Dutch hardcore Punk Found on the Floor - Heavy, extremely catchy New Ross punk Friday, 25th May €5 doors 9.00 in Plugd Records in the Triskel arts...
  5. Decy

    FUBAR + Sickener + Fat Actress + Twisted Mass

    One month to go.
  6. Decy

    DIET PILLS + Contort + Bisect +1 TBC Fredz, Cork

    One week to this, can't wait.
  7. Decy

    music documentaries Lots of great stuff there. Some documentaries, some other stuff. The krautrock documentary is up there all as one video too. Watched this the other day, I really enjoyed it.
  8. Decy

    DIET PILLS + Contort + Bisect +1 TBC Fredz, Cork

    Poster. Going to keep it at the three bands. Can't wait for this.
  9. Decy

    FUBAR + Sickener + Fat Actress + Twisted Mass

    FUBAR (NL) Grindcore Sickener Dublin grind-violence. Only about a year on the go and they're already making a massive name for themselves. Listen to their first tape here: Fat Actress Cork grinding messers...
  10. Decy

    DIET PILLS + Contort + Bisect +1 TBC Fredz, Cork

    DIET PILLS (UK) Lurching heavy rock. Massive low end, ugliest vocals, big amps. One of the best bands I've seen live in a long time. CONTORT Dublin noise punx. Unrelenting fuzzsaw guitars and vocals swimming in reverb, download their new album here...
  11. Decy

    Sickener (Irish Grindcore/Powerviolence)

    A split with ESTEL??? Amazing!
  12. Decy

    RHINO MAGIC - "GET GOING" Album Launch Friday 10th of June B.Y.O.B.

    Brilliant Rhino Magic photo. This'll be great.
  13. Decy

    People of the Monolith/Absolutist/FB Pt. II/Twisted Mass/Wizards - Cork, April 8

    Well technically I've never watched them play before. I've certainly never seen them with the new, improved bass section anyway!
  14. Decy

    People of the Monolith/Absolutist/FB Pt. II/Twisted Mass/Wizards - Cork, April 8

    It's pretty sweet that people are travelling for this. If any of ye are stuck for a place to stay drop us a PM. Can't wait for this, bar First Blood I've seen none of the bands live before, nice one.
  15. Decy

    Budget day gig in New Ross

    Fuck, what a total balls. What's worse is I'll be stuck in Cork that night too. Can't wait to see Found on the Floor some time soon though.
  16. Decy

    SHRINEBUILDER...metal supergroup comes to Cork

    People of the Monolith are supporting at this: //
  17. Decy

    Rest / People of the Monolith / My Name is Ishmael - Cork

    This should be a blast. Do people still say blast?
  18. Decy

    Terzij De Horde(NL)|Siorai Geimhreadh|On Pain Of Death|Rites|LuxMollusc Dublin 6 Aug

    Terzij De Horde Experimental doomy Black Metal from the Netherlands. Siorai Geimhreadh SludgeDoomBlackMetal with meandering noise tendencies. On Pain of Death Disgusting dual vocal twisted bog doom. Rites Sludge with the ability to rock out to fuck. Featuring members of Trenches...
  19. Decy

    Terzij De Horde, Siorai Geimhreadh, Council Of Tanth - The Quad Cork 7th Aug

    Fucked up the poster, should say NL not DE, don't want to offend any bands.
  20. Decy

    Terzij De Horde, Siorai Geimhreadh, Council Of Tanth - The Quad Cork 7th Aug

    Terzij De Horde - Doomed up experimental Black Metal from The Netherlands. Siorai Geimhreadh - Too noisy and slow to be traditional BM, too stuck in their ways to be anything else. Council of Tanith - Proper old skull doom metal. The Quad, Cork, free gig.