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  1. Deadmanposting

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    V02 up to 56 on my watch Oh yeah...
  2. Deadmanposting


    I kinda do Conquered the distance. So that's a win. I am just on to working on the confoudning mystery of my slowness. I will still swim out to islands for fun :-)
  3. Deadmanposting


    I am gonna read all of that This stuck out though What the girls wanted from their playspaces became clear: sheltered places that felt comfortable to sit in, spaces close to other people but not at the centre of a crowd from where they could see but not necessarily to be seen. They also wanted...
  4. Deadmanposting


    That's what the "UHM" was for! I have fucking no idea. I just love watching it.
  5. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    Oh Jesus, that closing line Fucking hell
  6. Deadmanposting


    I do not have a perfect view of how women feel about their bodies. But just from discussions I've had or been privy too with women who exercise or strength train regularly. Escaping the tyranny of being seen to be thin. Or only loving your body when it is thin. Or reading people like Casey...
  7. Deadmanposting


    I think amateurs are as competitive as anyone else, they just don't have the gaudy numbers. Look at the top end of any Saturday ParkRun and you'll see heads that very much want to win. But I do like the idea of competing against a course rather than a person; biking Stelvio, running Boston...
  8. Deadmanposting


    70k for a job requiring a masters? Jees, Louise
  9. Deadmanposting


    Wait, are you talking about a sport that is mostly clean? SO then you can tell me how everyone in it is juicing? I mean like good for humanity. We are generally better people when we have movement in our lives. We're happier, we live longer, we have more purpose. The Tour de France might be a...
  10. Deadmanposting


    Pro sports are fantastic spectacle of human competition They can be transformative narratives Look at what Italia 90 did for us Look at the West Indies cricket team beating an Asutralian cricket team that considered themselves racially superior Ali in the jungle against Foreman Jesse Owens Even...
  11. Deadmanposting


    I am angry that the sport you loved turned out to be about the dirtiest and cheatiest shitfest for decades But sport in general is still mostly good
  12. Deadmanposting


    No no no Not at all This is Reets story earlier about an interaction with a random dude in a pub who went from charming to threatening in an instant i.e. the lived experience of women and the utter shit they have to deal with from men We likely all have trans people in our lives living openly...
  13. Deadmanposting


    This game is stupid. Not me, the game. Wordle 1,105 X/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟩 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟨🟩
  14. Deadmanposting

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    They are Chinese since the global finacial crisis But everything I've read says that the Chinese let the Swedes cook
  15. Deadmanposting


    This was easy and I messed it up hugely Wordle 1,104 5/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟨 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  16. Deadmanposting

    2020-21 Football thread

    She could be.... (y) mah wife (y)
  17. Deadmanposting

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Ha! At least half of my driving, if not more, are straight 300km+ distances I don't trust EVs to do that in the winter just yet Right now it's between an XC70 and a V90 CC I love the ol' estates
  18. Deadmanposting


    I don't mean to disrupt anything by going on about this, but - TO ME - the inconsistency is glaring. Clearly not for anyone else.
  19. Deadmanposting


    Yeah of course. Most reasonable people don't care who wears a dress or calls themselves whatever or sleeps with whom. Go for it. Live your truth. True in almost anywhere you want to do it - in a shop or cinema or you name it. Fly your flag. No one cares what sports trans women play. Have at...
  20. Deadmanposting


    Fair enough. Prisons then. Domestic abuse shelters. Lockerrooms. Women don't want the "two to put you down" crew in there. Life and death indeed. It's just interesting to me that in one thread people are "Men and women are basically the same or at least interchangeable in any and all...