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  1. N


    Good to hear thumped comparing sports fans positively to mere super heroes. Rhasidat Adeleke is 4 real. Wonderwoman and Barbie are fake. Hollywood like most popular culture is crap. No wonder a lot of lunkheads like me love sport. A distant second to the perfection of music but best of da rest.
  2. N


    I suppose elite sport is a sign of how ruthless competition (as opposed to cooperation) is encouraged in the world. I can't make a lot of sensible arguments for my love of sport. I would not enjoy the reality of being a pro athlete. Again there is worse out there as far as 'entertainment' goes...
  3. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    Correction: Tbilisi won League in 1978 and Cup in 1979. Like the LOI Soviet League was in summer. Another terrific player: For some reason I thought Kipiani was Armenian. Holy crap - just found out...
  4. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    Dynamo Tbilisi had a great team in late 70's early 80's. The stadium in Tbilisi was built about 1976 and was probably the best stadium of Soviet times. After falling into poor condition in the 2000's it got a nice refurbishment. Dinamo Tbilisi won the Soviet league in 1979, Cup in 1980 and...
  5. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    The Georgians, a great bunch of lads.
  6. N

    New music for 2024

    I hate bad communication and not being given info. So this how I like to be spoken to myself. No idea what gender you are
  7. N


    A decent competent judge and we wouldn't even be talking about this Does anyone tell children stuff like this directly? That's sort of what I getting at. Some adults are clueless. What I wanted out of school was to be set a good example of how to understand and treat other folks and the world...
  8. N

    What you been listening to this week?

    So I am only a few tapes away now from finishing listening to a big backlog of little listened to stuff that once numbered over a hundred records, tapes and CDs. So now I am starting to listen to stuff I bought since March. All reissues. USELESS PIECES OF SHIT - Ugly in Public 7". Crazy fast...
  9. N


    When I said kids should be told their rights from a young age (several years ago) several people from Thumped strongly disagreed. There are still battles to be won.
  10. N

    New music for 2024

    There loads of bands that worship the Ramones, Joy Division, Eno, Stooges, Velvets. Not to mention Sonic Youth, Husker Du etc. Not saying you are wrong about doom metal but lack of originality is not unique. Cathedral's first album is very original for a 90's record. Current band Acid Witch...
  11. N


    Just my own experience. I saw little bullying from kids and it made little impact. I didn't meet other kids much outside school. I mentioned "kids and teacher". It would be led by kids or possibly a different person with more experience could come in. So yeah - I agree with you. If things have...
  12. N


    The biggest problem with bigots is denying facts. They won't accept reality even when the evidence is put in front of them. No sense of reason.
  13. N


    I'd love to see something like the last hour of school on Friday given up to discussions promoting empathy. Each week the kids and teacher have a talk about subjects like - - having immigrant parents - girls speaking on issues they face - being an ethnic minority - having a disability - being...
  14. N


    I have never seen a man hit a girl - but I know it happens. Minor level violence between lads doesn't cause much long term trauma in my experience. Usually when I talk about childhood bullying I almost always mean adults. It was institutionalised that adults had a lot of unquestioned power...
  15. N

    New music for 2024

    In fairness that's true of a huge amount of music. Free improvisation, punk, ambient, atonal modern composition, disco, funk, turntable-ism, rap.... I could go on. All over 50 years old but still great when done well.
  16. N


    There are lessons to learn from how Irish (men especially) were raised only a few decades ago. - gender segregated schools. - corporal punishment which could be brutal. I know a man born in 1950's who had his nose broken twice at primary school by the same teacher. The teacher, now dead, was...
  17. N


    Prisons should not exist other than to keep public safe from very dangerous people in extreme circumstances and should never be used as 'punishment'. So the overwhelming majority of prisoners should not be locked up and even the worst of humanity deserve to be treated far better than prisoners...
  18. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    They are singing and dancing on the streets of Georgia Ireland can forget trying to get Willy Sagnol as manager now. The Georgian 'keeper made several unbelievable saves inc. the save before the penalty was given to Georgia (VAR was looking at foul).
  19. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    Georgia 2-0 Portugal after an hour
  20. N

    Tour de France 2007 thread
