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  1. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Is wearing band T-shirts at their gig cool now? There’s hundreds with them on here.
  2. R

    Major Complaints Thread

  3. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Get well soon @egg_ We’ll do some glorified chair dancing in your honour.
  4. R

    People Who Died

    Ummm I clicked that on my work laptop. Balls. The IT guys took 2 days to fix it last time and I have to do a “don’t be an idiot, stop clicking links” course soon.
  5. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    I did that too, but I was 11 and the neighbor had to saw the plastic container off. You’re very lucky it wasn’t worse, especially with thinners.
  6. R

    Swimming lessons

    I think staying the same level and not getting actively worse is a win here. None of us are getting any younger so maintaining isn’t the worst outcome, even if the level is lower than you’d like.
  7. R


    Yep I cant say I blame them being peeved when Dept of Justice which has Judicial oversight are still invited.
  8. R


    The defence forces and court staff have officially been uninvited to Pride
  9. R


    No, I absolutely do not need to need to acknowledge that it is a significant consequence because it isn't. Losing his job and having a tranished reputation is the lowest consequences he should be facing, and he might not even get that. A friend was drinking in Nancy Blakes over the weekend...
  10. R

    Your work situation

    Congratulations! Tell them you want ALL the money.
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    There's a guy in the office who's very loudly cleared his throat every 60 seconds, since he came in this morning. I've asked him if he needs water or hayfever tablets but he just looked at me like I had 2 heads.
  12. R

    Minor complaints thread

    There’s music playing so loud outside that it sounds like a balrog is coming. The whole building is vibrating and there’s dogs going nuts. *edit Rammstein are playing, I thought that was yesterday. I retract my complaint.
  13. R

    Minor Pleasures

    That was hypnotic.
  14. R

    Home improvement

    You should have taken The Ram up on getting a goat that time.
  15. R


    Or where your keys are, where you wallet is, where your glasses are (on your head).
  16. R


    Great, Thumpeders are synching cycles. That's all we need.
  17. R


    Yep. Both my partner and I couldn’t sleep last night and I feel like hammered shit. Maybe it was a full moon or something.
  18. R

    European and local elections 2024

    Gah, I hate this laptop.
  19. R

    European and local elections 2024

    If he gets it, juggling that with the Ministerial role is just insane. Senator Pippa Hackett is in the running too. The Ukraine/Refugee crisis should have a planning committee made up of reps from Housing, Social Protection, Justice, Integration, local Council and NGOs. Instead it seems to be...
  20. R

    European and local elections 2024

    I’m a little biased here because the TFI 90 minute fare has save me a decent amount over the last year.