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  1. Deadmanposting


    Fair enough. Prisons then. Domestic abuse shelters. Lockerrooms. Women don't want the "two to put you down" crew in there. Life and death indeed. It's just interesting to me that in one thread people are "Men and women are basically the same or at least interchangeable in any and all...
  2. Deadmanposting


    Yeah, I'm all for leaving it as it is too; separate and distinct. Not sure what the drugs have to do with any of it. College and amateurs aren't juicing on that level. We'd probably agree that Lia Thomas wasn't on drugs when she won her medals against female athletes. Anyways, it just...
  3. Deadmanposting


    Plenty of drugs out there for sure. Just page after page here of the major differences here between men's and women's bodies, and the distinct female experience dealing with men. It's not for nothing that women want their discrete activities and safe spaces. I know I'm kind of bringing another...
  4. Deadmanposting


    Spoiler - they're not sorry P.S. fuck the queen
  5. Deadmanposting

    Your work situation

    She'll be right, Sean We suffer more in imagination than reality
  6. Deadmanposting

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    2015 XC70 is what I'm eyeballing
  7. Deadmanposting

    Major Complaints Thread

    Sound? They are like a tag team of singers and hype men. I think they are fantastic live. But I do know most of their stuff pretty well. With them in London, was the place not hopping to all heck?
  8. Deadmanposting

    Your work situation

    Good stuff Yeah, they do not have a massive learning curve on them And they are fun. Just gotta stay aware of where you are in space.
  9. Deadmanposting

    Your work situation

    Do you ever want to get work from anyone concerned again? If they are desperate and you want a snash & grab, then ask for as much as you think you can get. If you want to be a pro that gets repeat work, ask for the going rate plus inconvenience money, but don't take the piss.
  10. Deadmanposting


    No woman has ever broken the 4-minute mile Thousands of men have done it. Like US high school boys can do it somewhat regularly. It's not even close. Part of the reason women's protecting women's sport from men is so important.
  11. Deadmanposting

    People Who Died

    When did it go from Jim Morrison and whoever being glorious burnouts that pushed the rock and roll lifestyle and lived fast, died young, left a good-looking corpse to sad pitiful addicts who culdn't get out of tehir own way? Or is that just all in my head and my own arc?
  12. Deadmanposting

    Major Complaints Thread

    Young Fathers? Oh man. The place will be hopping. That line up is in reverse order of energy.
  13. Deadmanposting


    At this rate, I really don't like O'Donnell's chances of making it into the Pride parade
  14. Deadmanposting

    Major Complaints Thread

    They charge based on the Pitchfork scale
  15. Deadmanposting

    People Who Died

    His fingerprints seem to be all over it though womp
  16. Deadmanposting

    Swimming lessons

    Not the breathing I broke that barrier a good while back - felt great I am fine with being able to swim a mile out to an island and it takes me what it takes me timewise. Who cares? But in triathlons and Otillos, they have time cut-offs and I don't want to get pulled out of the race That's a...
  17. Deadmanposting

    Swimming lessons

    Appreciate that I'm slower than everyone that does this though. Like there's something wrong. I would kill to be just average for my age. It's the only area of my life where consistency isn't paying off. Anyways, onwards.
  18. Deadmanposting

    Swimming lessons

    Nah, that's exactly it. I hit my marks. Everyone was more than cool about it. They all stood on the beach to cheer me home. And "last in the barn" gets a prize, so I was called up and I got an award. Very inclusive, every supportive, very sincere. Swimmers are cool. I have a body that works...
  19. Deadmanposting

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    oh right i knew my brain wasn't working Like 11 fooot wall or something Thank you!
  20. Deadmanposting

    forthcoming film trailers

    All in on this I like creature stuff Supernatural stuff can eat a bag of dicks Tl;dr Space stuff could happen. But there's no God or devil. Thanks for posting all these, Pete